It's Good News Wednesday (10-26-22)

My good news is that we get the opportunity to beat the brakes off of MSU this weekend, and I think we will do it.

Last weekend I took a trip to Louisville to watch a friend on staff coach special teams. They won, so it was fun to hang out after the game. I had a good time.

My granddaughter's last soccer practice was last night. I had so much fun watching her dad try to herd her in the right direction. She is such a cutie. Kip is 26 months old, and she kid can swim and has been through a soccer season.

I'm feeling pretty blessed.

What's your good news?

Go Blue!

Keep the Tiger in the Cage

The ole Dantonio line.

Sad part is they never had a tiger. Hell they didn’t even have a Tiger cage.

Saturday night, it’s welcome to the Jungle. Caged Tigers don’t do well in the jungle. There are Lions, Tigers, Hyenas and on Saturday they are gonna let out some caged, house broken Tigers in the mf’in Jungle.

I hope our boys are ready to show these house cats what the king of the mf’in jungle looks like!
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Video Good Afternoon, Michigan Football; UM & MSU by the numbers

Jim Harbaugh on the game Saturday 00:00-:20
Numbers game :21-13:33
Feedback on recruiting, freshman impact, key to rest of the season 13:34-25:00
C. Johnson & B. Corum 25:01-28:36
UM's '23 schedule 28:37-34:00
Refs in CFB 34:01-41:53
Having to watch the game on your phone 41:54-48:58
Andrel Anthony 48:59-52:05
The refs in last years game 52:06-105:20
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Football Gut Reactions to Michigan's 2023 Schedule

What do you guys think?
Odd years means on the road for MSU and PSU, home for OSU. So, we knew that.
I see an easier first half vs second half, which works well for how Harbaugh evolves the team throughout a season.
Purdue coming to Ann Arbor?? Fun.
What sticks out to you?

Please keep Zach Libby in your thoughts…

He will be taking some time away from the site as he tends to a deeply personal matter. It’s not my place to discuss what is happening and I will allow him to say what’s going on if/when he’s comfortable discussing it.

At any rate, we’re a family here. I love my guys like they’re my brothers and I want them to feel the love from you all as well.

We’ll adjust when it comes to recruiting but life, especially how deeply it’s impacted Zach, will ALWAYS come first. No exceptions.

We will welcome Zach back with open arms once he’s ready to return. But, for now, if you could spare a thought or two for him, it would be greatly appreciated.

We love you, Zach.
