The issue is 1000% absurd and has now jumped the shark. Take a little walk with me now.
1.) TCU knew about our elaborate sign stealing scheme because EVERYONE knew about it. However it seems that only Sonny Freaking Dykes is competent enough to do something about it.
2.) We knew all of their signs. Yet, we almost CERTAINLY didn't attend any TCU games in person, so where did our vast knowledge come from of their signs? From other means? Oh. OK, so how significant is our in person attendance for competitive advantage then?
3.) TCU used our knowledge to their advantage and faked us out. (plays that worked) Wow, you're sweet Sonny.
4.) However, we got them on some plays (plays that didnt, of course were due to sign stealing - OF COURSE). Oh too bad Sonny, you got robbed there.
This issue is now officially an insult to all of our intelligence. Clearly, the interpretation of the significance of our sign stealing "crime" is determined ENTIRELY by what the interpreting party has to gain.
The one tangible thing I'm taking from this....Ryan Day is a complete and total B...