Insider Intel: On Michigan caving and support for Jim Harbaugh

Been talking to some folks to get a sense of where everything is headed.

I get a sense that Michigan will plan to fight this no matter what. Many are pointing fingers towards Ohio State, saying they’re the source for all of this.

However, in case you wondering about support from the top, Santa Ono, we’re told, fully supports Jim Harbaugh and has his back through this process. I’d expect the same to be said for Warde Manuel, too.

Now, this information is dated pre-WaPo report but evidence still does not link back to Harbaugh, so I’d venture to guess that it hasn’t changed.

Either way, there’s no lack of support here right now. Obviously, time will tell the true story and what the evidence suggests will happen next.

Stay tuned.

Insider Intel: The latest on what we're hearing on the NCAA investigation

I've received some more information tonight after doing some digging and will add some color to the situation in light of the new details that emerged from the ESPN report today.

The more information I get, the more convinced I am that Connor Stalions worked alone and did not include anyone else inside the program with his schemes. The claims by other programs appear to have legitimacy. Barring any other paper trail, he acted alone.

Now, the video evidence will likely see random people occupying seats he bought, that's because he utilized "random" people to help him scout. The word "random" was used twice by sources, meaning there wasn't any rhyme or reason to the people he asked to help him scout.

Essentially, things started to unravel because Stalions became too loose with the details to some folks and didn't do enough vetting in his process to scout according to my sources. It was initially a covert operation but cockiness started to creep in, making things more careless, according to sources. Also, according to a source, Stalions bragged about his escapades.

Despite this fact, there isn't anything to suggest that anyone inside the program was a whistle-blower just yet, this originally stems from complaints from other programs. At least two staffers from opposing schools confronted Stalions after games.

Now, take this for what it's worth, I have it on good authority that multiple coaches inside the building were unaware and stunned by Stalions' process, they had no clue this was happening. This goes with Jim Harbaugh's statement saying he had no knowledge of what was happening. Again, perhaps this was by design, and you might ask how they couldn't know. Sometimes ignorance is bliss.

What does this mean for the program and the NCAA investigation? I am not sure.

If Stalions did indeed act alone like the evidence likely suggests he did, there could be a situation where he could be thrown to the proverbial wolves and move on.

Right now my biggest concern

Is ourselves. Our football program is under a coordinated attack. Private investigators and daily leaks from the NCAA infractions committee? Seriously.

And what this attack found was that we cheated. Yup we cheated, we gathered information on opponents signs through in person scouting.

OK, what’s the severity of the penalty? I argue it’s minor because the value of an obtained signed is nowhere near what people are making it out to be - primarily because competent staffs should be changing their signs - and they all know it. And relying info on signs to the field to change alignment pre snap is risky and you can be wrong. It’s just one small piece of an overall scouting process of which the rest (tendencies, etc) are much more important.

Anyways - THAT is the discussion. Let’s have it out in the open.

Let’s NOT over react and start tearing down banners and firing coaches. Hopefully we’ve got some cool hands on the wheel.

Just maybe

I am really overly optimistic, but I’d sure like to see and hear all of the true evidence before we do as some on here are suggesting.
I’ve heard fire Harbaugh
Fire the entire staff
Burn it to the ground
Vacate all wins the last 3 years
Etc etc

Can we all take a deep breath and wait till all the facts come out before continually jumping to conclusions after each little drop of information is leaked out, drip by drip.
Everyone needs to realize there are a whole lot of people trying to pile on, add fuel to the fire or call it what you want, but most is coming from people who do not like Harbaugh or Michigan.
Does everyone actually believe everything that has been leaked, printed, discussed by the media? They do have ulterior motives, please understand that.

Let’s stick behind or Team, our head coach, and all the other coaches until someone is PROVEN guilty of something.

Go Blue!!!

Well maybe He was a LONE WOLF. He sounds nuts.

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He sounds nuts which helps the lone wolf angle. Damn. I now feel better. ! "Stalions, now 28, revealed that he was part of a small group of people—two of whom he said were at low-level positions on different college football coaching staffs—who were putting their heads together on a long-term plan to run the Michigan football program. Stalions claimed to have a Google document between 550 and 600 pages long that he managed daily, containing a blueprint for the Wolverines’ future. He referred the document as a movement more than a plan, dubbing it “the Michigan Manifesto.”

Football Even in the worst case scenario…

Don’t want to jump the gun here, because UM still hasn’t met with the NCAA yet and there has been no presentation of evidence yet (just media reports).

But hypothetically, let’s say the worst case scenario is that the evidence concludes UM was illegally scouting opponents.

Doesn’t it go back to breaking down the rule and what the rule is in place for exactly?

It is well known by now, but the rule was enacted in 1994 for a cost cutting measure, and in 2021 it was considered by the NCAA working group for it to be taken completely out of the rule book because of the minimal competitive advantage that is gained from doing so.

Would the punishment really be so severe for gaining what the NCAA admits is a minimal competitive advantage based on the origins of the rule and why it was implemented?

If the rule is more of a cost issue, it would feel like the most appropriate punishment would be a hefty fine as it’s seen to be more of a monetary advantage than anything else.

Just had to get that thought out as people are talking about vacating wins, postseason bans, etc when in reality nobody has any idea of what a punishment could look like for an instance like this.

The BS narrative

So if this was such a big deal and we had all these advantages why do we not blow out everyone 77-0. If we know the plays how does anyone score or gain yardage.


We almost lost to Rutgers
We needed a miracle of two PSU guys falling down to score the last TD
We should of lost to Nebraska. Thanks AMart
Did lose to MSU and Georgia
Georgia We were not competitive

We really only blew out Maryland in conference.


Maryland tight mid 4th
Losing to PSU and OSU at half
MSU tight mid 3rd
Lost to TCU

Very slow start to the offense not so much defense. Jim came back and we were fine.
This year yes we are smashing people but we have an NFL QB.

How is it if I know your plays I am allowing anyone to gain yards and or be in tight games. I realize the narrative is OSU and MSU wanting this to be true so they can say this past 36 games are fake. What is it that I am missing? Besides Stallions might be a really weird person.

Worst case scenario (no, really)

1) Stalions was tasked with finding a way to get people into stadiums for scouting purposes, to steal signs, and he was given a budget within the recruiting department to do it.
2) He thought that transferring tickets out of his name and sending people that have no affiliation with the university was enough to cover his tracks in terms of breaking NCAA rules.
3) He told every single person that he hired that they were working for Michigan (this is crucial to this whole post) for consulting work in an allowed capacity
4) He also told every single coach on staff that he had people on the ground sourcing all of his signal information.
5) There is a paper trail showing a ton of money being spent for recruiting trips throughout the regular season schedule that can’t easily be explained.

IF all five of those things end up being true… How likely is it that the conference acts within this season’s schedule? Unfortunately, this might be where this is at by next Wednesday.

Football STOCK REPORT Offense: Michigan State

JJ's numbers make him a Heisman front-runner.
The run game, down or lower dose efficient.
Who had Semaj Morgan as WR3 come October? Because he is.
Tight ends have yourself a day!
OL, Zinter is unreal, Nugent has caught Olu.
Let's talk about that second unit.

This thing called NCAA

People I’m tired to the point that I feel as a 50 year all things Michigan supporter that it’s time for me to step back from all things college related because I’ve seen for years how the good guys have tolled doing the right thing and came up short except for the basketball championship….the football accomplishment was pooped on by the coaches poll, with that being said I’m strongly considering shutting down all my accounts and getting out of the college game just to stressful from recruiting to actual bs on and off the field and that horrible outdated organization called the NCAA.

So to everyone on the board who reads this or not good luck and go blue✌️🥲


Is it safe to assume the Harbaugh extension is dead in the water Josh. Before some blow me up for asking this question it still stands to reason that the regents that control the President of the University could easily nix the deal. If this happens because of these ridiculous allegations I’d say enjoy the last days we have coach Harbaugh. It’s sad for me because he is Michigan thru and thru and I personally believe he wants to end his career at Michigan.
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I hate the fact that it took this to happen HOWEVER…

I’m loving all the new names and the amount of discussion we’ve had on the boards. The growth is happening, it’s up to us to keep it going.

I wish the circumstances were different but I appreciate everyone who has stuck with us and believe in us enough to spend your hard-earned money on our business.

The best is yet to come!

ONCE the NCAA is forced to issue an apology to MICHIGAN, HARBAUGH & Stalions.

I believe 3 things must follow.

1. Every author and tv journalist who stated that MICHIGAN , HARBAUGH & Stalions are guilty, they have 24 hours to emphatically, in a way which discredits them as a reasonable journalist for presenting fake news which brought defemination, slander & libel to the U-M, Jim Harbaugh & Stalions.

If they fail to due so, they shall agree to be served with lawsuits for their violations of the honor and character of the U-M, Jim Harbaugh & Connor Stalions.

2. All information which was received from other universities and individuals accusing U-M, Harbaugh & Stalions of being guilty of sign stealing must be turned over in it's entirety to the U-M legal department.

This is to allow U-M, Harbaugh & Stalions lawyers to review said information so a decision can be made on weather any legal action may or may not be taken.

This too shall be described in the apologies all entities must make to the national & international news media. Failure to do so will also result with their being sued for not following through with the agreements to drop or not files lawsuits against these perpetrators.

In other words: GO FOR THE KILL SHOT!

3. Force the NCAA to implement radio communications in QB helmets.
