Stalions allegedly seen at tomorrows game

An anonymous source has allegedly seen brilliant mastermind Connor Stalions, at tomorrows Michigan vs Purdue game. He was seen in the stadium seating behind the Purdue bench wearing an Oscar Meyer apron, and selling hot dogs out of a basket... Our source indicated that tomorrow, Conner was holding up 1 hotdog for pass, and 2 hot dogs for run....

Our source was confused at first, as to how Stalions could see the Purdue signs from behind their bench, but after observing the angle of the skyboxes behind the Michigan bench, we realized that using a pair of binoculars, and being positioned at the exact correct place, Stalions could see the front of the Purdue signs, in the reflection of the opposing skybox......just another incredible example of the genius, and incredibly advanced, super ultimate, and most sophisticated, sign stealing operation, JIM HARBAUGH, and the University of Michigan, runs.....

Josh, Can B1G ban Michigan from the playoff?

Before everyone freaks out I do not believe the big ten will do anything. I also know Josh doesn’t believe they will either. This is a question of CAN they, not will they.

The reason I ask is if all of the below happens, what is the outcome?

Michigan gets banned from the B1G championship game
Michigan goes 12-0 in the regular season beating OSU and PSU
OSU wins the Big Ten championship game

Unless the B1G stops Michigan from going to the playoff, the playoff committee definitely still takes Michigan.

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AP: Central Michigan coach says Michigan suspended staffer, suspected sign-stealer wasn’t on pass list

Shuts that narrative down.

Best Solution

The way I look at the entire situation, is the best way to shut up the talking heads is to go out and dominate Purdue, PSU and Ohio St...if we continue to curb stomp the teams across the field from us while no longer having the so called competitive advantage.....then whats left to say? At that point we are actually proving that while CS thought he was vital to our success...he was actually just a nut with a manifesto....he is like the kid whi exploits a glitch in a video game so that he can beat the computer by more.


Major rules violations haven't been inforced in over 30 years..They slap a few hands here and there for appearances only...

Isn't it amazing that not once has a high level player ever been ineligible for grades?...They are all great students?..🙄. Nobody ever does their work for them or put them in courses with an automatic grade?🙄... Basketball is even worse!!!...

College football + basketball produces $BILLIONS in revenue..Pay to look the other way is everywhere..To believe otherwise is absurd..

Look what has happened to Clemson,Alabama USC, etc etc ever since the immediate transfer rule + NIL...They can't harbor the top players anymore and it is starting to expose them...Saban + Meyer were exposed in the NFL..

Harbaugh finally has this program humming without a roster stacked with top 100 recruits. This is a cooridanted withchunt by the NCAA..a few select schools and the corporate media..🤮

Clay Travis’ interesting take - who benefits from this?

Who’s benefiting from trying to take Michigan down? It’s no wonder they fabricate the “500pg manifesto” that nobody read. It’s no wonder they keep citing “source” and “sources”. They have a dozen conspiracy theories a week now, so let’s start kicking off a couple of our own. Step back and look at the big picture, asking… who would benefit from this besides obviously rivals…?

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Just So We All Understand…

We all may have some understanding of the NCAA enforcement process. It takes time, sometimes years. So the motivations of the Paul Finebaums, Pete Thames, Pat Fordes and all the other Michigan-haters calling for the Big Ten to take immediate action is pretty obvious. They think the process towards keeping Michigan out of the CFP can be accomplished quickly.

So just for everyone’s information, here is a summary of the Big Ten Bylaws for Compliance and Enforcement. If you want to read the long form, it’s on the Big Ten website.

Once the Commissioner is formally advised of the violation that would impact the integrity of the Conference, he schedules a conference with the institution involved. He may have his staff prepare a written report or require the member institution to prepare a complete report, including the steps they plan to achieve compliance standards. The Commissioner may give the member sufficient time to achieve compliance.

However , if it becomes apparent that the member is failing to achieve compliance, their case shall be referred to the Council of Presidents and Chancellors (COPC). The COPC will request a formal response from the member institution. The COPC could also instruct the Commissioner to prepare and conduct a formal hearing on the subject or allegations. The hearing will conclude with a recommendation on penalties from the Commissioner to the COPC for their formal approval.

The penalties prescribed by the Big Ten Bylaws are as follows. They are to be applied in order from less important violations upward to penalties for major, widespread and persistent violations. The penalties are…

a) Financial penalties (fines or forfeiture of income from the Conference)
b) Probation
c) Suspension from participation in a particular sport
d) Expulsion from membership in the conference
So just so you know, like the NCAA, the Big Ten enforcement process takes time. The Big Ten COPC meets only twice a year. Between their formal meetings the day-to-day business of the Conference is managed by a five-member Executive Committee which meets as necessary. Major policy issues such as Compliance Hearings require the full COPC. It’s unlikely that penalties recommended by the Commissioner as the result of an initial Hearing will exceed fines or possibly probation for a first offense or one that is not egregious, widespread or repetitive.
I’m sure the Paul Finebaum’s, Pete Thamel’s, Pat Forde’s, and all other Michigan haters haven’t bothered to investigate what is likely to happen if this case is accepted by the Big Ten. To even think that the Commissioner will require Michigan to forfeit postseason play is as far from realistic as possible.

Where are we on the timeline? The Big Ten has not even received a Notice of Allegations from the NCAA. I don’t think the Commissioner is going start the process towards a penalty. He can’t—there are no allegations other than those created by the click-baiters and haters.

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The other shoe: Staffer fired for soliciting an underage girl

Zach smith broke the story just now. It is gross. Glad the program got rid of him and handed it off to the proper authorities. Feels like they did everything right with the initial news. Also feels very coordinated.
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Just a thought

a lot of smoke about the BIG10 meeting today. personally, I don't think the commissioner will do anything until NCAA findings are done BUT let's play devil's advocate here. IF the big10 did decide to take action and prevent Michigan from playing in the BIG10 championship after an OSU win (assuming we win ofc) does that disqualify UM from CFP contention by some kind of rule? or could the CFP still view Michigan as "one of the 4 best teams in the country" even without a conference championship like OSU last season? just something i have been pondering with recent reports
