Then I’ll start to worry about anything. When you have a “safe space” to say anything you want to your mouthpiece in the media without repercussions, you can say anything you want and, in turn, the story can be spun in any direction that you want it to. There’s no accountability for it, how convenient.
“Vast majority” my a** from this latest ESPN story.
Let’s hear those who think Michigan should be punished, let’s see them publicly decry what Michigan has been doing instead of running to their local ESPN reporter to complain and vent. Those who have said it’s no big deal are loud and those who have said they should be punished are from talking heads who have never played a down of football in their lives.
For those wondering how I feel about this, the Big Ten would be absolutely insane to act before the NCAA does. Absolutely nuts. I’m going to sleep well tonight knowing that Michigan has a plan after meeting with the NCAA last week, because that’s what matters and not the opinion of someone who doesn’t have the testicular fortitude to say the things he’s saying in front of a microphone.
You can call opponents out of conference, you can call reporters to complain, but it’s not serious enough to give your thoughts publicly? Interesting.