"I would like to express my deepest thanks to everyone who has sent well wishes, prayers and kind words for me and my family throughout my time away. I truly feel blessed. With each passing day I am continuing to make strides to getting back to 100 percent. It has been hard to be away from these young men, however, I know we will connect soon!"
Former Wolverine Jerry Diorio joins the show and talks about the latest round of speculation with Michigan and the advance scouting investigation. Jerry also gets into Purdue and breaks out some film from last weeks Purdue Nebraska game. Breakdown
Open 00:00-1:00
Ono & Petitti 1:01-34:04
Michigan Purdue 34:02-39:32
Purdue film 39:33-52:41 Login to view embedded media
why not let the rest of the schedule determine what happens? We have blown out our Big Ten opponents. According to the coaches polled, it can account to 10 points or so. Again, it was not why we won those games. This is a joke. Expect the NCAA to do something unprecedented as well because this is "unprecedented".
Sent emails to everyone this morning. Just got an email from one regent and he said
"Coach Harbaugh is our coach and we will fully support and defend our football program. We will be cooperative in this investigation but we will defend the Michigan family with facts not conjecture"
How did everything change on a dime last night ? With what Josh was suddenly hearing and yes that other site. ? Suddenly a suspension of harbaugh is an accepted outcome ? Based on what ? Is there new evidence ? Or just the ADs whining ? When the commissioner answers to the presidents not the ADs An unprecedented move like this ? And also. How did most of this board suddenly decide that it’s gonna be ok. We don’t need Jim to go into Happy Valley ! And win ? So many questions. But for me. Allowing Jim to be suspended is an admission of guilt. And will punish the kids ! I love these kids. They are awesome. But without their leader I just don’t see how they win at penn state Hope il
Wrong. This whole thing makes little sense this morning
Is the unprecedented nature of all the teams a conference in an organized petition to get one team’s COACH suspended IMMEDIATELY. They aren’t saying Michigan they are saying Harbaugh.
Now if you are naive enough to believe that this penalty is egregious enough to align with this completely I don’t know what to tell you.
Schools have done some nasty stuff and we’ve never read about a torch and pitchfork storm the big ten office for Justice now approach.
I’d be looking into options for leaving the conference if I were Santa and Warde regardless of our obvious guilt. This is an exaggerated vendetta against being carried out by the ENTIRE conference against one of its schools.
It is entirely possible Jim doesn’t know. There’s zero proof that he did. That alone should slow the train down here but it’s not.
I feel like I’m living in an alternate universe right now - can’t even believe this is happening. You best believe there’s a lot of smart money behind this campaign pulling a LOT of levers to pull this off.
Many of us get an email from Regents saying they are happy with Coach Harbaugh and the job he has done.
Next day the extension is back on.
Today Ono has said he will sign Coach Harbaugh's extension when it hits his desk.
This with all this background noise going on. My thought is Warde...Ono..and the Regents know something nobody else knows.
They are way to positive and calm not to know nothing will come from this. Just maybe tomorrow Ono will share this with the new commissioner? Then again maybe not.
All of your send a quick note to Ono and the regents to let them know we support Harbaugh. This is wrong and if the Big Ten suspended Jim without due process we would want to look into going to the SEC or Independent. If the Big Ten is going to attack us over this nothing burger than we can go elsewhere. If we were 5-3 this would even be a case. This is the fact these schools can't handle what they see as a freight train. Make your voice heard.
Also please check out the linked article we are trying to raise money for the holidays for a great American veteran hero and a real Michigan man. Please help out we had a nice start before this BS derailed peoples time last night. Men like this and others are the reason we can have these forums. No college football in the middle east my friends. We are blessed to be in this country.
Ok guys. Go read Section 6s story about Maizenblue_follower. It is great read and this sounds li… Craig Minoletti needs your support for Maizenblue _follower
Today is probably going to be a tough day. Let's not give the Mob the satisfaction of us attacking each other. Go Blue and I talked to my friend on staff today. Scorched Earth was used as a phrase. Thay building us angry and if this goes down the leaders will lead us. It's now personal and these young men know that. They will respond and they will prevail