Thank you all

You guys have no idea how many nights I’ve kept myself awake stressing if what we’re doing is working, if I was cut out to do this. I honestly can’t keep up the praise and I don’t know how to handle it at this point 😂😂 all I can say is that it means more than you know.

My dream is literally unfolding before my eyes this week. Our site is growing, it’s establishing roots and I couldn’t be more proud of the product we offer to you every day.

Just want to say thank you for those who have stuck with us, those who have returned or those who are new. If you canceled and returned, there’s never hard feelings here. Everyone always has a place here.

We were shouted about by the network this week for the work we’ve done and it felt damn good, I couldn’t do this without my guys and, of course, you all.

The best is yet to come. Let’s get all your friends here and let’s have a ball! We can all laugh at the primitive days of M&BR together in the near future.

I am through with other sites.

Josh, this family is the only one I will continue to be a part of.

Your information of Michigan and Ono telling the NCAA and the B1G to pound sand says so much.

I know of someone who has Ono's cell on speed dial and vice versa.

Yes Ono knows what we have with coach and this is one of many reasons why Ono & Michigan has Jim's back.

Because Harbaugh and Michigan has not broken any rules.

OSU is now in the cross hairs of the PI investigation. These are never made public unless there is sufficient evidence to openly move forward.

Go Blue!

Good news

I am sitting in Birmingham enjoying my evening, repping my Michigan gear and getting amped up for the game tomorrow. I will be cheering this team on until I have no voice. Let’s take care of business from here on out. Show the rest of the world we are for real. I don’t care about stallions BS. I don’t care about the B1G being stupid or NCAA being corrupt and useless. Go mother *bleepin* BLUE!!!!

Gloves Off Time

Michigan's administration has done a poor job controlling the narrative in this story. They should be publicly and relentlessly asking for answers to these questions. Who hired the Private Investigator? How did the PI get access to the U of M server without a search warrant? Why were Big 10 officials not acting when schools first knew about this over a year ago? Can any school make similar accusations and a school (rival) punished without proof of evidence or the ability to defend themselves? Why did a ticket exchange give purchase records of anyone without a court order or search warrant? Is the ticket exchange a partner of U of M? Big 10? If so, why would we still do business with them? Why is ESPN on a mission to destroy Michigan / Big 10 reputation? Why did the NCAA attempt to eliminate these scouting bylaws as recently as 2 years ago? What advantage is gained when the league mandates multiple video exchange among all members for each game? Has Ryan Day or anyone associated with OSU had discussions in the last 2 seasons with Urban Meyer about Michigan football after he has patrolled the sidelines during a game? I am sure there are many other questions that I have not listed that are also valuable.

Upon receiving answers, Michigan can then talk about dealing with the matter if in fact it needs to be dealt with.
