Note on Warde Manuel this evening

Been asked about Warde Manuel's attendance or lack thereof in the meeting this evening.
Tonight is the Michigan Athletics Hall of Honor dinner that began at 6:30 pm. Fair to assume he was busy with the planning of this evening, and that he isn't in the process of firing Jim Harbaugh or whatever other crazy rumors have been started.
Again, I promise you we are working every angle here. We will bring solid confirmed information only.
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Insider Intel: Thoughts on a Friday meeting between Petitti and Ono

Wanted to be open and transparent with you all about what I know this evening and what I THINK about tomorrow's meeting between Santa Ono and Tony Petitti. You all know that I like to spell out how I know my information and when I receive it.

Three of my VERY best sources this evening are feeling incredibly pessimistic this evening that Jim Harbaugh is going to end up with some sort of suspension from the Big Ten. You know I don't like to rock the boat and don't like to cause panic, which is why I take what my sources are feeling seriously as they're the most locked-in people I know.

If nothing ends up happening, I will own the panic I caused. But the pessimism is rare and I have to mention it.

As for what we do know, Petitti's maximum punishment he's allowed to dole out on his own is a two-game suspension with a $10k fine. Anything over that will need to be voted on by a committee of Big Ten representatives, I haven't gotten the sense that it's going to go that route.

What my opinion is, and is similar to those who I speak to, is that Santa Ono is going to push back no matter what happens during this meeting.

As for the two games, I'm not sure if Purdue is realistic. A two-game suspension would mean Harbaugh misses Penn State and Maryland. Obviously, the best-case scenario is not getting suspended at all but a push for a one-game suspension could make sense here.

This is what is being discussed among those I speak to and this is also based on my opinion as well.

We'll see what tomorrow brings but I would be pleasantly surprised if Harbaugh walked away unscathed from the meeting on Friday, Ono deserves a permanent residence in Ann Arbor if that were the case.

I know I discussed the Big Ten's decision to act would be unbelievable and I ruled it out at first.

Well, here we are.

Truly unprecedented times in a story that is unprecedented no matter which side of the fence you fall on here.

We will keep digging and see what we can find out tomorrow.

Working hard to push for information on a bunch of things but I’ll say this…

Still working on a few things, the meeting included. I only have a small understanding of what happened today and not the whole picture. I can’t post a half update without knowing how it ends.

Been working all day on this, believe me.

What I can say, though, is for those worried about how this all will impact Harbaugh’s contract, don’t be. It’s going to get done.

When? We shall see.

The goalposts seem to get moved every week but there is ZERO concern about any of it right now.

Insider Intel: What we know, and what we don’t, about the Petitti-Ono meeting

The meeting between Big Ten commissioner Tony Petitti and Santa Ono did indeed take place today, as Petitti was already in town.

What we know as of right now is that people were heading into this meeting with the expectation that Jim Harbaugh would receive some sort of suspension. What we don’t know as of this writing whether that will be handed down or not.

What I can tell you all is Petitti ASKED Ono to suspend Harbaugh for two games. Yes, you read that right, asked. Ono effectively told him to get lost.

My understanding is Warde Manuel would also push back on the two-game suspension talk.

While Petitti can still use his rights as commissioner to implement a suspension himself, he’s not going to get Michigan’s cooperation in this case with Harbaugh.

Again, it’s still unknown as of this writing whether Harbaugh IS suspended or not, I’m still working to find out but Michigan isn’t going to play ball.

Michigan record before and after Stallions.

The narrative the media and opposing coaches are going with shows Harbaugh going 24-1 after Stallions. Before he won like 70% of his games.
They are forgetting that we finally got a top level QB. And, had finally got some decent depth in the trenches on both sides of the ball.
I do think Stallions helped us. He was very good at his job. By halftime of games, I think he had the opposing teams signals figured out. Not against the rules. Maybe that attributed to our outstanding success in the 3rd quarter.
In fact, Stallions was so good at his job, it might lead to a rule change allowing radios in helmets to level the "playing field". They can call it the "Harbaugh Rule". I would be all for it.
I might also add that Michigan's current staff is the best in college football. That cannot be said prior to two seasons ago.

Harbaugh has to be stopped and taught a lesson

Spoke at length with someone close to all of this. Since Harbaugh came out multiple times in favor revenue-sharing the hit pieces, the allegations, the PI firm, etc. all came after him. He's a threat to the cash cow that pays AD's 1 million plus per year, University Presidents 1 million plus per year, football and basketball coaches millions per year and over 3,000 NCAA employees very good wages. I'd be willing to bet over 1,000 NCAA employees make six figures and we know the top officials make millions. Can't have Jim being the champion and voice for the student-athletes and revenue sharing. That 60 million per Big Ten school that the student-athletes generate is not to be discussed.

Can't have him winning a national championship and in front of millions advocating for student-athletes that the NCAA and Big Ten exploit to pay their inflated salaries and fund their lavish lifestyles. How dare he threaten their lobster, caviar and champagne brunches or box seats at all the best events.

This is the only reason anyone can point to as to why there is total alignment with other Big Ten schools to attack Harbaugh for something that many other coaches originally laughed off.

As I type this I am with a prominent Purdue booster that I am hosting this weekend. He was told that Walters was given a directive to speak out against Harbaugh. That is likely came from the AD as their newer President is still getting his feet wet.

This all seems to be coordinated.

Maybe Conner is not an idiot

Realistically what has HE done.

Was.he at games taping other teams?


Is he allowed as a non coach to go a game as a fan?

Yes it appears

Can he use video he didn't take as information?

Appears he can

Did he ask Michigan for anything to help in this?

Appears he didn't

So if all of this is true maybe he knew the rule was so poor written that he knew all of this was sketchy at best but at worst can be done. Embrace being the villain. We talk about pay for play and being a more aggressive program but some fans are losing their minds over this. Embrace Michigan isn't better than others we are a football factory and the noise becomes much easier to take. The group that says we are above all this I can not help you. You live in a world that may just not exist. Embrace the villan role. I love it. Bring it on Sparty and that team down south of my septic field. Bring it the f... on.

Explain to me how a PI, hired by one program infiltrating their #1 rival is not an issue?

I would like someone from the NCAA to explain to me how Michigan is accused of "snooping" on other programs through information received from a private investigator who was hired by Ryan Day to infiltrate the Michigan football program. What gives Ryan Fuggin' Day and OSU the license to infiltrate any program other than their own?

They're the dirtiest fuggin program around...

Ever more ridiculously stupid, the PI just so happens to be Ryan Day's brother (how reckless is that?), who is the sole investigator in the PI Firm investigating Michigan which was created in 2020...Who knows if Day, and probably all of the coaches before him

And just what types of really critical information could a private investigator snooping around the program learn?

It's crazy that 99% of the information dumped over the last 3-4 years has caught the coaching staff, the AD, and the University, completely off guard...There has been a steady "drip, drip, drip" of information that has lead to multiple writers on different sites reporting "paranoia around Schembechler Hall".

Remember the "Harbaugh Submarine"? He closed media access to practices, and got rid of the Spring Game for a year or two. I remember fans being upset, but Harbaugh termed it as "keeping himself and the team completely focused on football"...There were stories, however, that alluded to "leaks"...Not to say that the Gattis, Col. Minick, McDaniels, and now Stallions situations shouldn't have been discovered, but the idea that the media seems to have gotten to know, in almost real time what's going on with our program.

Heck Juwan Howard's heart surgery was leaked to the media before he himself was able to give information.

What makes me a bit sad about this situation is that I feel that Michigan folk have been snapping at one another due to a lack of trust...We all think that it's someone close to the University and the program, within the program, or affiliated (former coaches, players, and media) with the program who are responsible for the leaks.

"Michigan eats their own..." I always say, but a PI snooping around the program and leaking information to the media could've caused a ton of internal strife in and around Schembechler Hall.

And who's to say that this PI firm isn't "investigating" other things, such as practices and gameplans...Remember how fast they jumped on Trayanum? OSU knew we were looking at Igbinosun (who has improved for them, but is still "handsy").

I'd bet that the extent of this PI investigation wasn't just focused on Stallions- It very could've been the cause of the multiple media embarrassments- things coming out some terrible, some odd about our coaching staff before the program was able to get out ahead of it... A good investigator could get his hands on a playbook. IIRC there were some recent data breaches...

As for the NCAA and B1G @#$$%*&, perhaps it smacks of a huge conflict of interest to include a rival program in an investigation.
