I would like someone from the NCAA to explain to me how Michigan is accused of "snooping" on other programs through information received from a private investigator who was hired by Ryan Day to infiltrate the Michigan football program. What gives Ryan Fuggin' Day and OSU the license to infiltrate any program other than their own?
They're the dirtiest fuggin program around...
Ever more ridiculously stupid, the PI just so happens to be Ryan Day's brother (how reckless is that?), who is the sole investigator in the PI Firm investigating Michigan which was created in 2020...Who knows if Day, and probably all of the coaches before him
And just what types of really critical information could a private investigator snooping around the program learn?
It's crazy that 99% of the information dumped over the last 3-4 years has caught the coaching staff, the AD, and the University, completely off guard...There has been a steady "drip, drip, drip" of information that has lead to multiple writers on different sites reporting "paranoia around Schembechler Hall".
Remember the "Harbaugh Submarine"? He closed media access to practices, and got rid of the Spring Game for a year or two. I remember fans being upset, but Harbaugh termed it as "keeping himself and the team completely focused on football"...There were stories, however, that alluded to "leaks"...Not to say that the Gattis, Col. Minick, McDaniels, and now Stallions situations shouldn't have been discovered, but the idea that the media seems to have gotten to know, in almost real time what's going on with our program.
Heck Juwan Howard's heart surgery was leaked to the media before he himself was able to give information.
What makes me a bit sad about this situation is that I feel that Michigan folk have been snapping at one another due to a lack of trust...We all think that it's someone close to the University and the program, within the program, or affiliated (former coaches, players, and media) with the program who are responsible for the leaks.
"Michigan eats their own..." I always say, but a PI snooping around the program and leaking information to the media could've caused a ton of internal strife in and around Schembechler Hall.
And who's to say that this PI firm isn't "investigating" other things, such as practices and gameplans...Remember how fast they jumped on Trayanum? OSU knew we were looking at Igbinosun (who has improved for them, but is still "handsy").
I'd bet that the extent of this PI investigation wasn't just focused on Stallions- It very could've been the cause of the multiple media embarrassments- things coming out some terrible, some odd about our coaching staff before the program was able to get out ahead of it... A good investigator could get his hands on a playbook. IIRC there were some recent data breaches...
As for the NCAA and B1G @#$$%*&, perhaps it smacks of a huge conflict of interest to include a rival program in an investigation.