Im going to go back to this

....Harbaugh said he doesn't know anything.

Harbaughs extension is put in hold

Ono and Warde meet with the ncaa.

3 days later they meet with the Regents.

Acker clowns an osu slappy on Twitter

Many of us get an email from Regents saying they are happy with Coach Harbaugh and the job he has done.

Next day the extension is back on.

Today Ono has said he will sign Coach Harbaugh's extension when it hits his desk.

This with all this background noise going on. My thought is Warde...Ono..and the Regents know something nobody else knows.

They are way to positive and calm not to know nothing will come from this. Just maybe tomorrow Ono will share this with the new commissioner? Then again maybe not.

Email Ono

All of your send a quick note to Ono and the regents to let them know we support Harbaugh. This is wrong and if the Big Ten suspended Jim without due process we would want to look into going to the SEC or Independent. If the Big Ten is going to attack us over this nothing burger than we can go elsewhere. If we were 5-3 this would even be a case. This is the fact these schools can't handle what they see as a freight train. Make your voice heard.

Also please check out the linked article we are trying to raise money for the holidays for a great American veteran hero and a real Michigan man. Please help out we had a nice start before this BS derailed peoples time last night. Men like this and others are the reason we can have these forums. No college football in the middle east my friends. We are blessed to be in this country.

Today is probably going to be a tough day. Let's not give the Mob the satisfaction of us attacking each other. Go Blue and I talked to my friend on staff today. Scorched Earth was used as a phrase. Thay building us angry and if this goes down the leaders will lead us. It's now personal and these young men know that. They will respond and they will prevail

Message Board Geniuses

So there is a site where folks submit message board posts and then a bunch of folks living their perfect lives behind their computers have fun with said post. One of the posts from here was submitted and made it to the site. It's supposedly all in good fun and a bit of a badge of honor to make it. That said in this case I know the individual that posted the message and I wanted to share a few things about the man behind the screen name.

Maizenblue_follower is a disabled veteran. He served our country honorably and is very decorated from his time served. His disability impacts all aspects of his life. He gets by running a small coffee business in little tourist town in the heart of America. Every day he struggles to make his hot air roasted coffee which by the way is phenomenal.

He's a diehard Michigan fan and when NIL first happened he reached out to me and was willing to give what little he had at the time all to NIL to move Michigan forward. He was also willing to give a large chunk of investment monies he had coming to him to NIL when it matured. He was and still is all in for Michigan.

During this time he wrote one of the most passionate letters I have ever read to the Harbaugh family. I worked with a friend that I knew would be with Jim to get it to them. As Jim and Sarah were being driven to the airport by our mutual friend Jim was handed this letter and read it out loud. I was on the speaker phone when it was read and I didn't have to be in the car to know it brought Jim to tears. I could hear it in his voice. Just like Jim maizenblue_follower Jim is a man of family, a man of faith and a man of Michigan. That letter is in Jim Harbaughs possession to this day.

Lastly he is one of very few people who knows who Section_ 6 really is and what I do for Athletics at U of M. He's been trusted with that secret for years and never once leaked it to anyone.

I share all this as a reminder that there are human beings behind these message board screen names and before you blast, attack or belittle a fellow Michigan fan take a breath and realize we are all here because of this Michigan of ours. So no matter what he posts on this site I will always have his back because I know the man he is and I know what Michigan means to him and his family. Michigan men take care of our own.

As always Go Blue,

Soft fan base

if you don’t give our kids a chance to win without Jim. Yes, it will be difficult but still very possible. There has been a lot of growth since his 3 game suspension, and this team is motivated and angry. Injured players have returned. New talent has developed. Hopefully much was learned about how to appoint an interim head coach and let the coordinators do their job. I’m just hoping the kids on the team have more fortitude than the fans.

Insider Intel: Michigan plans to fight back

Posting in conjunction what what I said last night about Santa Ono supporting Harbaugh, you can read that post below

I’m told that there are assurances that Michigan plans on fighting back and the daily reputation hits that are being taken are not being taken well by both Warde Manuel and Ono.

What does “fighting back” look like? I’m not sure, but it shouldn’t be taken in conjunction with cooperating with the investigation, they have to do that. Two separate things.

Insider Intel: On Santa Ono’s involvement in the contract

Quick note here that doesn’t really shatter any earth.

Santa Ono is fully behind the fast tracking of the contract. In fact, he has told people he will sign off on the deal as soon as it hits his desk. Of course, the contract has to get there first.

It’s clear that he is openly supporting the team and Harbaugh for a reason, they let Jim know he’s wanted. Not that he doesn’t feel that way to begin with.

Thamels latest Re AD call.

“The most powerful message, according to sources familiar with the call, came from Michigan State athletic director Alan Haller. He mentioned the alterations in preparation that Michigan State needed to go through prior to its game with Michigan when he received a call on Wednesday of that game week about Michigan having Michigan State's signals.
Haller worried about players potentially getting hurt because Michigan players, in theory, knew where they'd be going on plays.”

Un real. “Because michigan players IN THEORY knew where they’d be going on plays”

[NOT A THREAD ABOUT] Paul Finebaum.....

This clip by ESPN seems to imply that Paul Finebaum has now changed his mind on the allegations because of the Central Michigan pictures floating around. If that is true, I am disappointed, because I thought he was better than that. I can accept him being critical of Harbaugh, because, well, most of the time his comments are justified, but if he's going to go all in on believing the allegations based off of pictures that could 1) been photoshopped by a human, 2) been made to look real with the help of AI, or 3) just be a totally different dude with similar facial features, then he has just lost a lot of my respect.

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All I can say about all of this…

Is patience needs to be stressed here. The NCAA investigation, Harbaugh’s contract, all of this. Nothing is going to be done overnight. You’ll have to ride the waves here as stories come out.

Just be patient, don’t get too high and don’t get too low. Ride this out and there will be clarity soon.

This isn’t based on anything I’ve been told, just speaking on things in general.

Enjoy the game on Saturday.

OT Help needed: tailgate at Michigan

Alright, break from Conner. I need some guidance. I’m bringing my boys down for their first tailgate experience at the big house. Boys are 11, 7, 5, 4. They are pretty pumped! We are coming from Illinois so we can’t get there too often so we need to do it right! This is for the Purdue game.

What time does tailgating start/ open up? We are planning on going to the golf coarse. Any recommendations? Or alt locations? Guidance is welcome. Unfortunately, we won’t be going into the game. We will watch at a local eatery. Thanks in advance!


Can we exhale a bit and maybe get some insights on Basketball? My young cousin is a freshman and was selected as a team manager for the men's basketball team. Small school MI HS kid who lit it up for almost 30 a game. He continues to shoot the lights out while assisting at practice. Martelli nicknamed him "Pistol Pete". Lol.
If the team stays healthy they may be better than expected.


Because we need something way off topic.

Went through the roster recently, who are these guys? Didn’t recognize many names.

What is our ceiling this year? I’m also a Marquette grad and follow them. If we beat them, scrimmage or no that’s impressive.

Remaining schedule…. Kill Bill style

I love that every school is stepping up to be added to our Kill B1G hit list with this incessant whining and finger wagging.
I would have to cast Ryan Day as Bud though. Bill was too classy of a character to be played by Day. Franklin can be Elle though….going through life with one eye and picking a fight that will cost him the other.
