CBS sportsline . Sallee & Dodd really going all in on the crazy.

Check out this passage from their article this afternoon

“That statement is even more ominous with the news that Harbaugh is under investigation by the NCAA. It not only leaves plenty of wiggle room for Harbaugh to take another job, but also suggests that his current status as the head coach of Michigan is in jeopardy for other reasons. One of those reasons could be the reported investigation. “

Holy hell. Wow. So the university is possibly going to FIRE harbaugh. That’s their point here ? Wtf. Wtf. Wtf. Clown show.

Recruiting Insider notes: Class of 2024 safety Jacob Oden talks Michigan

Caught up with class of 24 Harper Woods safety Jacob Oden as he talked about his relationship with the Michigan coaching staff, what he values in his recruiting process, and more:

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Hoping to take my 2 year old to her first Michigan event

Hey everyone! I was thinking of taking my wife and my daughter to a basketball game this season. This would be my daughters first Michigan sporting event. I was thinking maybe a Saturday game like Minnesota, MSU, or Indiana.

I’ve made a choice to not take her to football games yet since football games take forever and you might have to battle the elements hit or cold, plus the noise may be a bit much.

Do you think a basketball game is a good idea to get her started? What are the pros and cons? And does anyone have any suggestions on things to do pregame or postgame for a bball game that would be fun for the family. I’m football season ticket holder but have only been to crisper for a game a couple times most recently in 2012.

Thanks in advance! Go blue!

My theory on this whole mess...

...Our Jimmy gets word of the charges coming and says something like...I sick of this $#!+...we run a clean fn program and schools like a& are buying players left and right and they come after us for some trumped up chicken $#!+ violation...I'm sick of what college football has become...if got the right offer Id be out of here!

Somebody overhears this and they run with it.

Now Ive been in business for well over 20 years and gone through god knows how many Medicare...Tricare...and VA audits and it gets old when large corporate entities have been cheating the health care system and patients daily for years... I have said many times.. Im sick of this $#!+ and Im lasts all of 5 minutes and I get back to work.

Anyone who has a competitive bone in their body gets frustrated and says things they don't remotely mean in the heat of the moment. Then coolers heads prevail.

This is just me spitballing

Btw we have passed at least a dozen audits over the years and passed everyone one of them with flying colors while the large corporations never get hit with audits!

OT: Texas MBB Coach Chris Beard fired

Oooffff. Fired for cause.

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Games you never get over

There are games that sit with you for a long time... the game vs TCU will ( unfortunately) be one of them which ones are in the Pantheon of regret ? My friends from the neighborhood have NEVER gotten over

1) 1973 v OSU ( 10-10 Tie)
2) 1974 V OSU ( Lantry's Kick really was good..... it really was)
3) 1994 Cordell Stewart Hail Mary
4) 1980 Harry Oliver 51 Yd FG v ND
5) 2016 OSU terrible spot on 4th Down
5) TCU Fiesta Bowl.... C'mon really 2 pick six's a fumble in the endzone.......

unfortunately... there are others !
