Coach, Stalions, Michigan and the players for that manor are being crucified in the court of public opinion when zero evidence has been presented.
How can one be guilty of violating rules when the rules themselves indicate no rule was broken?
Michigan is fast tracking Coach Harbaugh's past due contract.
Think logically, what does Michigan know? What does Michigan have on whom?
Who wants Harbaugh gone from college football?
I will answer the obvious names, Day, Franklin, Schiano and Michigan State (Dantonio).
Heck, even the SEC wants coach gone. Don't be distracted by the noise
I have no idea of particulars, however, Stalions, Coach and Michigan are innocent of any and all allegations regardless of what any yahoo thinks.
Furthermore, anyone who questions whether the PI firm(s) play into this had better think twice.
The amount of money and prestige and success for other coaches and programs may very well hinge on whether Coach Harbaugh continues as coach at Michigan.
Now you all may see why I state, there is more than meets the eye.
Go Blue!