Why I am stressing patience

I am stressing patience because I am not sure HOW or WHEN Michigan is going to release this stuff.

Does Michigan have ammo? Yes.

Does Michigan have plans to release some ammo? Yes.

Will all of the ammo be used? Not necessarily.

My understanding is that if the Big Ten continues down the current path and Petitti tries to suspend Harbaugh, more dirt is going to come out at a slow drip. Michigan will still fight to flip the script and we very well may get all of the evidence at some point, but I am not fully certain Michigan is going to empty the chamber this week or not. Which is why I am stressing patience.

It's not going to be over.

Michigan has a plan and it is sticking to it and, in my opinion, I think it is a very good one.

So, for those who wake up each morning desperate for your morsel, I will refer you back to this post. This is all I can offer right now.

My thoughts

On one hand big10 comiss can suspend jh and force an injunction. If he loses claims I did my best. On the other hand he loses power abd prestige for losing and would be forced into looking at Ryan day and others which isn't a can of worms he would want to open. Easiest say we will wait for the ncaa. Just my OPINION, no insider info

Insider Intel: On the sharing of signs between three programs

The drip I expected to come out has done so today, as John U. Bacon has reported that Tony Petitti had been informed that Rutgers and Ohio State had shared Michigan's sign information to Purdue prior to the Big Ten Championship Game.

This is true. Can confirm that was the crux of the argument, "Well, these guys did this too!"

Now, it doesn't mean that there are any rules broken here, just as everyone is arguing whether Stalions and Michigan broke any rules but it's clear that the Wolverines are using this to show hypocrisy and prove some sort of collusion is going on. Again, nothing that proves anything went against the rules quite yet. Still, not a great look.

We also don't know for a fact if the head coaches were aware of this or participated. Again, if the argument is made that Harbaugh should've known about what's going on with his program, and while there may be some truth to that, it's fair to make the same argument here as well.

It's just funny coming from a Rutgers program whose head coach, Greg Schiano, has been very vocal behind closed doors about Michigan's sign-stealing allegations, even calling other coaches to discuss.

Funnily enough, we have been told by multiple sources that Rutgers has one of the more 'relentless' sign stealers in the conference.

At this point, I fully expect Michigan to fire more shots across the bow if the Big Ten continues to go down the path it's headed. Not necessarily based on fact but how this situation has been moving the last 48 hours or so.

We'll have more as things progress,

I will gladly sign….

A well-drafted letter or memorandum anyone wants to craft to ESPN stating everyone who signs will no longer watch their channel, frequent their website or support their ventures.
They have absolutely nothing to offer that we cannot get somewhere else from a non-biased, fairly reported channel or network.
The venom and disrespect they have put forth and championed based on unfounded and unverified stories and sources has crossed the line.
I look forward to seeing a masterful piece of prose from one of my fellow Den mates.

What kind of 2 game suspension?

Sorry, tried to post this in a different thread and half of the text didn't make it.

If Pettiti issues a two game suspension tomorrow, one thing to ask yourself is, "what kind of two game suspension is this?"

Let me explain. Per Big Ten rules, if the commissioner decides a sportsmanship violation has occurred, he can take a "standard disciplinary action" or a "major disciplinary action."

A "standard disciplinary action" is anything up to 2 games and/or a $10,000 fine. The commissioner doesn't need anyone's permission to do this. He is quite literally judge, jury, and executioner in a "standard disciplinary action." Hell, you might even say he's also the police because he directs the investigation. If he imposes a "standard disciplinary action", it's final. It concludes that investigation and can't be appealed to the Big Ten.

A "major disciplinary action" is any punishment that goes beyond 2 games and/or $10,000. But to do that, the commissioner must receive permission from the Joint Group Executive Committee. And the Big Ten rules state the commissioner has to give the JGEC enough time to read through the response from the accused.

But it turns out there's a third option for the commissioner. He can impose what's called an "interim suspension." An interim suspension starts off with a "standard disciplinary action" of up to 2 games/$10,000 but isn't final. It lets the commissioner start with 2 games and then impose more after waiting for the JGEC to get caught up.

So if/when a 2 game suspension is imposed, look for what kind of 2 game suspension it is. If it's a "standard disciplinary action", that means the Big Ten wants to be done with it. If it's an "interim suspension", that means the Big Ten is just getting started.
