Josh, I and the board need your help....

Since we are inpatient, can you post updates every 3 minutes. It can be simple, gif's, emoji's, haiku's about the drip, puzzles on when we can expect to hear more, etc.

I think I speak on behalf of all here, that we need updates. If you happen to be using the restroom when the 3 minute timer expires, we will grant one 3 minute update skip every 2 hours.

I really appreciate all you are doing, and look forward to hearing from you in 3 minutes.

Just maybe….

This farcical media circus and inappropriate behavior by the NCAA will lead to their downfall. Oh how I dream of a congressional inquiry broadcast on every network but ESPN citing all the misinformation, intentionally leaked partial truths, vagary turned to factuality, and reckless targeting of a single institution of higher learning. Imagine how much the whiners will change their tune when faced with congressional subpoenas and live exposure of their hypocrisy.
A pipe dream to be sure but a dream nonetheless.
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Pettiti has to squash all this and do so this week

It’s an absolutely horrible look for a Big Ten with multiple recent MSU scandals, the Northwestern ongoing mess and several significant other scandals in its recent past. Now you have half the conference embroiled in a sign stealing fiasco with U of M about to go all in with proof of many other NCAA violations from fellow Big Ten members.

Michigan is one of the original Big Ten schools with one of the largest number of living alumni, top 3 public university, top 10 law school and alums coming out offering 100’s if not 1000’s of hours of pro bono legal work not to mention millions being lined up to fight this and also find PI’s to investigate every single Big Ten school. Big Ten leadership has to squash this and do so this week.

Can’t imagine what the 4 west coast additions are thinking right now.

So it's not illegal...

to collude and trade signals (basically in person advanced scouting of future opponents)? I'm so confused as the SI article says multiple coaches in the Big Ten say it happens all the time and isn't against NCAA/B10 rules. Does anyone know if this is true? How could that even be possible? Whether or not it's true - the "accusations of cheating" can basically be put to rest.
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One thing I wish a pro-um media said...

We don't have Stallions on the staff, and it appears the coaching staff didn't know about his footage, and all his computers were taken. So it isn't like we can use ANY of the advantage this season. We now know that other teams collude against us and trade signs, but we literally have nothing now. Not even the legal scouting he did. So the fact that people are trying to twist this to an advantage for future games is absurd.

Maybe we had MSU prepared but I can promise you the coaching staff didn't memorize the signs of programs 4-5 games in the future. There is no competitive advantage Michigan has right now and now we know we are at a disadvantage.....

Something everyone on this board must understand because many seem to have forgotten.

Coach, Stalions, Michigan and the players for that manor are being crucified in the court of public opinion when zero evidence has been presented.

How can one be guilty of violating rules when the rules themselves indicate no rule was broken?

Michigan is fast tracking Coach Harbaugh's past due contract.

Think logically, what does Michigan know? What does Michigan have on whom?

Who wants Harbaugh gone from college football?
I will answer the obvious names, Day, Franklin, Schiano and Michigan State (Dantonio).

Heck, even the SEC wants coach gone. Don't be distracted by the noise

I have no idea of particulars, however, Stalions, Coach and Michigan are innocent of any and all allegations regardless of what any yahoo thinks.

Furthermore, anyone who questions whether the PI firm(s) play into this had better think twice.

The amount of money and prestige and success for other coaches and programs may very well hinge on whether Coach Harbaugh continues as coach at Michigan.

Now you all may see why I state, there is more than meets the eye.

Go Blue!

I'm new here...

Hey, y'all.

I'm usually more of an observer on these types of boards, reading internalizing, and discussing with friends but I don't usually post on message boards.

This sign-gate stuff has pushed my fandom to a different level and tbh, I've realized how much I care about the University and about this team. Not that I could take it all to a much higher level, I do have the Block M tattooed on my arm along with representations of my wife and kids =).

Anyway, I'm here now, obsessing over Michigan Football primarily, and love this site so much, I've canceled my subscription to other sites and am ready to engage with all of you. You guys are great and thought I'd say hello and Go Blue!
