Michigan Needs To Represent the B1G in there game? Really?

There has been much talk about Michigan must represent because of OSU and PSU showing in their bowls.

My opinion: F the B1G

Did all these whiny coaches back UM in November?

Did the B1G have Michigan’s back in November?


Michigan will win this for Michigan, not the haters.

Michigan v Everyone!




Funny OSU Interaction

Start talking to this couple while waiting at a takeout place. Guy is really friendly until he sees my Michigan hoodie. Then he says “Oh, we can’t talk to you, we can’t talk to you”.

I responded “oh you must be Ohio State fans”. The wife says “yes, both of us”

I just grinned and said “tough day for you”

The guy was speechless.

How Alabama and Michigan forced Catapult to acknowledge an active investigation to an unnamed team.

Alabama & Michigan comments forced tech firm Catapult to acknowledge an active investigation into a school accessing other teams' footage through its software.
Michigan was a target of the breach & the school being investigated is currently unnamed.

And the extreme negative takes continue.

Please please please just win Monday !!!

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Ps. They lumped msu game into the “before” since stallions hadn’t resigned ! Forget he was gone for the msu game and jj went off

Also ignores. 1. Played three of the top 5 defenses in country 3 of last 4 games. 2. He didn’t have his head coach for last three regular season games. 3. He was injured !!! Since first half of Penn state game. Unreal. Maybe it’s not.

Ran into some of the players at the LA Clippers game last night

I wish I had some great question ready to ask them that I could bring back, but I got no insight from the conversation. It was fun to cross paths with a few of the guys and get the selfie 🤳.

I did tell Mason Graham and AJ Barner to bring one home for the Den. (Ok, not really…but let’s run with that 😆). 🏈

OSU defense is making feel better about

the Alabama game...Missouri is a top 5 offense in the SEC and OSU is blanketing them with zero offensive help..Outside of
3 - 4 QB scrambles Missouri hasn't done squat..

Our boys put up 26 points..

Be really interested in how PSU does tomorrow..

I don't think Alabama defense is anywhere near the same level as OSU not to mention the SEC overall was terrible in OOC and Bowl games this year..
