Way OT: my son and I just finished a deer reduction hunt at a state park in Indiana

Together, we took 6 deer. 2 Bucks and 4 doe’s. This hunt was really needed as we could have taken 11 total. We will be donating most of the meat to the local homeless shelter. I’m really surprised that the park management would let the deer population get out of control. There was no reduction hunt last year. But anyways, blackstrap steaks for everyone!

NOA Response on the 22

Hey Josh - how does this work again? At the end of the 90 days, do we actually GET a punishment? Or is it just "hey, the NCAA responded, now Michigan you talk back"

I was under the impression there isn't actually a punishment until all talks have stopped. Everyone online seems to think a literal punishment is coming shortly.

Am I missing something? I was not expecting to hear about a punishment anytime soon

Suggestion re Coaching Commentary

It's probably worth some time sorting out how M&B review wants to evaluate and report on coaching etc. I fully support not adding to conversations around recruiting or transfer rumors but the football program and the coaching staff and impactful decisions both are central to the discussion here and rather than risk waiting for commentary on recruiting or transfer losses or talent decisions... or even commentary from the posters regarding the effectiveness of the staff and decisons they have made or will make... It might be helpful to have a framework to how you are going to report, criticise and monitor comments and report

Comment from USC fan re Miller Moss

Had a zoom call with a law school friend tonight who lives in Pasadena. While on errands today, wearing his M hat, a guy who turned out to be a USC fan stopped him and said “I know who your next quarterback is”. I had told him of the rumors so he wasn’t surprised and started chatting with the guy. So I thought it was interesting that came from a USC fan. But the funny part is that my friend’s significant other joined the conversation late and assumed the guy talking about Miller Moss was a fellow M fan-she said oh we flew in for the game, it was so fun and on the way back all the USC fans had nothing to say 😂😂. I thought that was hilarious, telling the USC guy (inadvertently) how quiet the USC fans were on the way home. (She of course was dressed in Michigan gear for the flight)

Insider Couple things about yesterday

It’s becoming clear that people are starting to clam up a bit when it comes to discussing Underwood, they don’t want to be the ones to confirm anything or let news get out, especially with the meltdown last week from the deleted IG story.

I haven’t been able to confirm one way or the other about the Sunday meeting, which I don’t think is important either way because there’s been consistent contact whether it’s back channels or the like.

The dream isn’t dead, it wasn’t dead yesterday and it continues to be alive until we get something official. As I said in the previous thread, this isn’t some mythical game of tug of war where one side has the rope further along one day, and the other pushes back the next.

Stay tuned and be patient. I’m not going to play with emotions or blow smoke up your ass. I think I’ve been pretty clear that it could very well be LSU but I don’t think Michigan can play this any better than they have.

Don’t buy into the bullshit, just wait for an announcement.
