Matt Ruhle petitions the NCAA on eligibility based on Michigan

“Sign stealing”

Insider Full Transparency: Explaining my deleted post

We had posted some confirmations regarding a potential meeting today regarding the Underwood situation. We are getting some conflicting information so I decided to delete our post. It's going to happen, it might not happen.

We want to be transparent here and wanted to explain what happened.

I don't think it's because of bad news or anything like that, this is why I should've listened to my gut and let things play out because people are just going to assume the worst here, which is understandable.

I'll continue to put my ear to the ground to see what I can find out. Don't take my silence as bad news, I'll tell you to brace for it.

Way OT: my son and I just finished a deer reduction hunt at a state park in Indiana

Together, we took 6 deer. 2 Bucks and 4 doe’s. This hunt was really needed as we could have taken 11 total. We will be donating most of the meat to the local homeless shelter. I’m really surprised that the park management would let the deer population get out of control. There was no reduction hunt last year. But anyways, blackstrap steaks for everyone!

NOA Response on the 22

Hey Josh - how does this work again? At the end of the 90 days, do we actually GET a punishment? Or is it just "hey, the NCAA responded, now Michigan you talk back"

I was under the impression there isn't actually a punishment until all talks have stopped. Everyone online seems to think a literal punishment is coming shortly.

Am I missing something? I was not expecting to hear about a punishment anytime soon
