Hypothetical question….

Jim Harbaugh and Urban Meyer have a disagreement about anything. To what extreme will one goto to prove the other wrong? I think these are the biggest ego’s in CFB. It definitely would be entertaining to say the least. I know this is a ridiculous post, but let’s have fun with it while we wait on the JH contract talks.

I cant wait for...

...the ones who get this Harbaugh thing right when its 100% guess work at best.

They will puff out their chest and say see...I was right all along.

Im in the club of I haven't a clue. I have no idea whos "fault" it is and frankly don't give a damn. It will get done or it wont.

Every time there's a twitter post you get 150 interpretations on the cripto message in the tweet.

This is nonstop if..if..if...if..if..if..if that nobody has a clue.

So congratulations ahead of time who got it right and please make sure you let us all know about it.

Thoughts on Harbaugh’s interview with Denver

What does Harbaugh, Elway and Shaw have in common? Stanford…

Shaw was a big part of Harbaugh’s offensive staff at many stops for many years. With that being said not many know Shaw from a coaching standpoint better than Harbaugh.

How do we not know that the interview that was conducted between Harbaugh/Elway wasn’t centered around Elway trying to get a better understanding of Shaw? Not long after, Shaw gets his interview from Denver.

Anyway, just my two cents at trying to piece this all together.

Go Blue.

Insider HQH Plus 1/10 Part 2: Team-related intel

Did some digging around about the team today and found out a few things that I will share. Let's get started.

- I have heard that Jim Harbaugh is carving out time this weekend for players to come in and meet with him about their roles on the team, their futures, etc. For those wondering if Harbaugh is still doing his day-to-day duties despite all the distractions, he is.
- Has yet to address the team about his interview with the Broncos but I am sure those answers will come in the interview if the player asks about it.
- Overall mood with this NFL stuff is just annoyance at this point. It's not impacting the program detrimentally but it's clear that some players want it to be over with.
- It appears Valiants 'One More Year Fund' is making some progress with guys that are still on the fence. We were told at least one player reached out to be included in the fund and it's a player that would be a welcomed returner to the program if that's what he decided to do. I can't say more than that to protect sources.

That's all I have for now.
