In 2018 and 2019

Ohio States offense scored on (if my quick count is right) 16 of 22 possessions against us. 15 were touchdowns. I bet percentages like that weren't matched against their garbage non conference teams for the last 30 years. But they reached it against us to that degree in a game we prepare all year for with a hall of fame coach. A rather insane outlier on the side of good performance.


They had great players, played really well AND had us scouted exceptionally well (and I've always assumed at least partially illegally).

Who was I mad at?

Don Brown and Jim. They know what we are doing guys. Fix it.

This is why you see pros saying "it's called scouting".

This is also why you see anonymous coaches saying things alongs the lines of "yeah, they were cheating BUT...we knew it was coming and made changes"

They want to taint the win but not implicate themselves in negligent coaching. Because they know its part of their damn job to not get their signals picked.

Further the mechanics of knowing a signal (IF you do know it and it hasn't been changed) and turning that into getting the players to do something different on the field because you know that signal are complicated so the impact isn't nearly what people it is. In fact, when OSU sputtered the last couple of years offensively in the second half, I grinned wondering if we were throwing off their scouting operation with intentional false indicators. What I'm getting at is that the marginal impact of knowing a sign at any given time (vs. standard scouting and prep while including opportunity to be WRONG), let alone the margin between one obtained by sideline coaches/tv film or illegally obtained scouting is sooooooooo thin.

Yet this thing reads as if Michigan is watching practice video.

hopefully someone at some point is going to do some journalism that explains why this is not a level I violation (nor should it be) and the scandalous equivalent of Pete Rose betting against his team.

MSU Football Wiki

I don't know if I have laughed harder in my life....

Post Mel Tucker era (2023–Current)[edit]​

The Michigan State Football program has faced a challenging season in 2023 under interim head coach Harlon Barnett. The team currently holds a record of two wins and five losses. Unfortunately, they suffered losses to Washington, Maryland, Iowa, and Rutgers so far. Their most devastating and recent defeat came at the hands of their arch-rivals, the University of Michigan Wolverines where disappointingly, Michigan State put more Hitler's on the scoreboard than points. They lost 49-0. [24]

Video Good Afternoon, Michigan Football; MSU Film Review

Former Wolverine Jim Scarcelli joins the show to discuss the Michigan win over the Michigan State and Scar provides film analysis. OSU/PSU, Heisman Trophy and Caleb Williams are also talked about.
JJ McCarthy 00:00-:25
Open :26-3:32
UM/MSU 3:33-8:26
OSU/PSU 8:27-14:17
Caleb Williams 14:18-19:58
NCAA vs UM 19:59-35:33
Film review 35:34-1:19:54
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Football Michigan has top-ranked offense AND defense in the country according to PFF...


The truth regarding SIGNGATE

which very few are willing to accept.

This in fact gives Michigan the tools to take the NCAA down for fraud, defamation, slander and libel.

As a former investigator I am more than confident this could be over quickly.

Imagine the financial award Michigan & Harbaugh can demand for this fraudulent hit job on Michigan and Harbaugh.

Someone needs to have the fortitude to cut the NCAA',s nuts off.

.The truth regarding SIGNGATE.

Taken from Hysterical! But, oh so true….

Wild Stalions​

The biggest story leading into Week 8 was the allegation that Michigan was surreptitiously stealing signs and has been since at least 2021. But for all the attention the story got, it's worth recapping the key details: A low-level staffer with a military background has emerged as a person of interest in the NCAA investigation into Michigan's alleged sign-stealing operation, sources told ESPN on Thursday.

His name is Connor Stalions.

Let that sink in. If Jim Harbaugh had hired a ninja named Brock Espionage as the team's director of [REDACTED], it wouldn't have been any funnier.

The operation, which was described by a source as "elaborate," has given Michigan all the insider info it's needed to beat teams like Bowling Green, Rutgers, Nebraska and Indiana. Those wins can't just be luck.

Still, we have to assume that at some point last week, Stalions was marched into Harbaugh's office, where the furious Michigan coach was hunched over his desk, eyes bulging, face red.

Harbaugh: "Dammit Stalions, give me one good reason I shouldn't have your employee badge and khakis right now!"

Stalions, coolly: "Because, sir ... I get results."

And he's right! Without Stalions' alleged advance scouting, surely Michigan wouldn't have escaped rival Michigan State 49-0. It would've been more like 49-3. And instead of throwing for four touchdowns, J.J. McCarthy might've thrown for three and rushed for one. And certainly there's no chance the Spartans would've been held to just 190 yards of offense. We have every confidence that, in an honestly played contest, Michigan State gets to at least 200 on a garbage-time scramble on fourth-and-26.

Meanwhile, in a bunker buried deep beneath the Big House, Harbaugh and his staff gather around a table surrounded by monitors showing the all-22 from Buckeyes games. A cacophony of frustration erupts among coaches.

Suddenly, a shadowy figure who looks strangely like James Franklin enters and hands Harbaugh a sealed envelope. Harbaugh opens the letter and slides out a single sheet of paper. It reads: "Marvin Harrison Jr. is really good."

Recruiting Intel: Michigan's pursuit of prospect committed elsewhere is not over

It's fitting, the saying 'It's not over, it'll never be over,' is fitting after what Michigan did on the field last night against Michigan State. However, when it comes to recruiting, the saying is particularly accurate.

Michigan's pursuit of four-star wide receiver Gatlin Bair is not over, either. In fact, it hasn't stopped.

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If you recall when Bair committed to Boise State, I said that the Wolverines were going to continue to push for him no matter what. That hasn't stopped. In fact, from a source close to Bair, the staff continues to push 'hard' and Bair has been VERY responsive to the Wolverines' advances.

So much so that the Boise staff are definitely nervous and know they have some work to do in order to keep him committed.

Even if there's a coaching change in Boise, it doesn't necessarily forces Bair's hand to decommit, it's all going to come down to what situation is best for him. We're told that U-M has a great shot with Bair and that Oregon is also pushing very hard.

The bye week for U-M comes at a fortuitous time, as it's very possible that the staff could head out to Boise to see Bair play in his playoff game, which will be interesting to see what comes from that if that happens.

We'll continue to dig and monitor the situation.
