Recruiting Little midnight snack for hoops recruiting lovers

Spoke with GW3 tonight.

Visit went incredible. Couldn’t have gone any better.

Staff hit on every priority and factor Washington is looking for.

Wouldn’t surprise me a bit if Michigan leads and wins this recruitment.

Wake Forest (October 28th) and Louisville (?) will get their chance to host him as well, before Prez signs in November.

I’ll have a story tomorrow or Thursday at the latest.


PSA. Sorry for spotty activity as of the last two weeks. Been and still am sick with pneumonia. All is okay but I have so many meds in my body, it’s been rough.

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M&BR Message Board Rules & Regulations

In addition to the Yahoo Global Guidelines, please note that these rules are always subject to change:

M&BR Message Board Code of Conduct

Be kind: No one likes a jerk and we as a staff don’t want to promote a breeding ground for jerks, so, please, be kind to those who come here to hang out and connect with fellow Michigan fans.

No personal attacks: Personal attacks include, but are not limited to, those against the M&BR staff, moderators inside The Den, fellow users, student-athletes and coaching staff.

No swearing: We want this community to be welcomed by all and to be browsed at any place at any time, so please keep any foul language to a minimum. Self-censoring can be allowed within reason.

DO NOT STEAL PREMIUM INFORMATION: This one is bold and italicized for a reason as it’s an issue for any site with a message board and subscription function. No exceptions. Please do not take ANY paywalled information gathered from our site and take it to other outlets and social media. If a user is caught doing so it will be grounds for an immediate ban from the website without a chance to reconsider the standing with M&BR.

No crude images: Do not post any obscene, crude, racist, or homophobic content to the message boards. This includes photos, videos, and message board avatars and signatures.

No politics: Politics is a divisive issue in this day and age that intersects with the way we use social media. This is a Michigan Wolverines message board, so please keep the topics on-brand as that is why we’re all here. All threads and comments deemed political will be deleted. Political commentary also includes any images, videos, or message board avatars or signatures.

No trolling: It goes hand-in-hand with respecting other posters but trolling and/or flaming of any kind will not be tolerated on the boards.

Have fun! We want this place to be relaxing, bar-like, and a welcoming place for all Michigan fans to discuss their favorite program and players. All we ask is to do your best to help create and promote this atmosphere.

The Basics

- Off-topic posts can be allowed if said topic can follow the above rules and guidelines for message board conduct. Please label any off-topic posts with a qualifier (Off-topic, OT, etc.)

- Some light-hearted joking and poking fun can be allowed. Insults, threats, and harassment are where the ribbing crosses the line and won’t be tolerated.

- Any questions or concerns about the board and individual members can be sent via private message to Josh Henschke and the moderators. You can also email Josh at Please do not air your complaints with a public thread on the Wolverine Den message board.

M&BR runs on a strict ‘Three strikes and you’re out’ basis

- If the staff and/or moderators of the board find that your post and/or thread has violated a Code of Conduct rule, your message and/or thread will be deleted immediately. You will be given a warning strike for your first offense via private message.

- A second strike comes with a week’s ‘timeout’ on the board. This means you will not be able to comment on the board but will still be able to observe.

- A third strike means a permanent ban from the message board. No exceptions. Banned cases will not be renewed.

- M&BR staff and moderators are entitled to skip the strike process and hand out ‘time outs’ and permanent bans on a case-by-case basis if the offense is deemed severe enough.​
