My good news is we are 2-0, and this is the last week of exile for Coach Harbaugh.
I had a fantastic weekend in Michigan.
Thursday, we spent all day with little brother and his family, finishing the day watching the Lions get a massive win at KC.
We were in Ann Arbor loading up on M-Gear Friday morning, and Friday night, we were in Detroit watching the Tigers.
It was back to Mecca for a big day at the Big House on Saturday morning.
Mac, the seats you set us up with were unbelievable. I can't thank you enough. We had such a great time and felt like we were somebody.
It was back to Comerica Park to watch the Tigers win one on Sunday. We finished it off with pizza at Buddy's by the ballpark. Monday was an early flight back to the Sunshine State.
We drove around Michigan quite a bit. I gave my kids a history lesson on where I lived growing up and what it was like back then. We saw some restoration, but we also saw some unfortunate blight. One of our houses by 7 Mile, and Gratiot wasn't even there. The church cemetery where my grandparents are buried had all the gates chained so we couldn't visit the gravesites. That was a bummer for my daughter because she is all about family history.
Overwhelmingly, the trip was positive and encouraging, filled with cool moments and great memories.
Our best meal was at "Gaudinos" in St. Clair Shores. Check them out if you're that way.
What's your good news?
Go Blue!