It's mildly entertaining...

watching these opposing coach's comments come in.

On one hand its whining about the team that has been whooping them cheating.

On the other hand you see how quick some are to point out "we knew and we made changes".

Because all of these clowns know damn well if their signals are getting picked that's on them. Every one of them.

I coach 5th grade football and we feel 100% responsible for making sure our signals aren't stolen.

This is the biggest reason why this whole thing is a joke.

Read this from Yahoo Sports

seems that they have nada beyond Stallion being on sideline AT MICHIGAN games ( totally legal ) and they are butt hurt that the sign stealing is so good ( again. Something thats not illegal ). AND multiple teams knew about this LAST YEAR and changed signals or went to wrist bands for plays AND WE STILL KICKED THEIR ASS. INCLUDING AS QUOTED HERE OSU !! wtf is going on ????

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Sort of O.T. but not really...College football game day

Let me preface this by saying I played college football for a short time when they had freshman football (MAC but not BGSU), could not play varsity your first year (anyone know the time frame?). On one of Facebook's U of M football forums there was a topic where a member stated that he went to last weeks football game and took 19 family members and said the cost was well into four figures, He also said he had been going to games since 1973. His opinion (mine also) was that college football, especially at U of M was turning into a circus atmosphere. Lights, scoreboard, P.T; Barnum at it's best. 5 minute breaks for commercials, money, money and more money. Not unusual to have a 3 1/2 hour game anymore.

It got me thinking that he wasn't far off base IMO, yes I'm a Boomer so there's that. My high school currently has a team that is undefeated and hasn't been scored upon in the first half and has had a running clock in the second half of every game, around 200/14 point differential and I went last week and watched them play. What a different experience in going to a high school game vs a UM game. If you love the game the way I do, just pure football there's no comparison. Would NIL even be a thing without the money grab? I get the supply and demand thing, if you build it the will come so why not make them pay. I'm all for the kids singing Mr. Brightside and all but has the marketing gone a bit far? Okay my rant is done and I won't argue with anyone than has a apposite opinion but you can't change mine.

Insider Intel: The aftermath of the NCAA news at Schembechler Hall

NCAA news came and went through Schembechler Hall today, with people shocked and “pissed off” about the news today.

Despite the players feeling a little uneasy, it was business as usual for the team. It was a great day of practice and everything went on without a hitch.

After practice, Harbaugh held a team meeting and the basic message was for the team to not worry about the news, to focus on the goal and things of that nature.

I expect this news to fire up the team and it’s not going to be a distraction this weekend.

Still trying to figure out what exactly is being excused, working on it.

Will post more when I have.
