Instagram Letter To President Ono - A Success

Hey all,

Thank you to all that signed onto the letter. You guys provided the final 80 signatures that pushed the total tally of signatures and endorsements to 2000+, all within hours.

Because of Instagram's functions, we can confirm that President Ono has definitively seen and read the letter.

Whether you have Instagram or not, you should be able to swipe right to find your signature under The Den section in the link below.

Go Blue!

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Santa Ono

Absolutely has Harbaugh’s and the student-athletes backs. He’s a true leader that will not be swayed by the court of public opinion when a gag order hangs over Michigan. Manuel has been very impressive through all of this as well.

This is most coordinated and on the same page I can remember the AD, Regents and leadership of U of M ever being. It’s the one thing that tells me U of M is in a very strong position.

Tip of the cap to Ono and thank God Schlissel isn’t here right now.

Monday Morning Musings - Early Edition

First let me say I love the time change, it suits my life style in retirement. Like the peace and quiet I get in the morning and I'm a big coffee guy.
I've seen others comment last night that they felt like it was Christmas Eve and I won't argue with that but for me it's more like the Eve of the November firearms deer season. You prep all fall, make sure your firearm is sighted in and have your clothes and boots ready to go. Coffee is brewing and your back pack is loaded with enough supplies so you can sit all day. You hope a big one walks by and if you get a chance, you don't miss and make a clean shot. That's sort of how I'll approach any news in retaliation of all the shit that has slung at us over the past several days. Sit in my blind and wait for my chance. If we don't get monumental news I'll settle for fighting back. I've hunted for 60 years and this is the first year I'll miss (haven't seen a deer in two years at my UP property after seeing 7 - 8 bucks five years ago. My oldest son works as a chef on a Great Lakes freighter and gets back on board Nov. 15th and my other partner is a freshman at UM this year and doesn't want to miss class, don't think Grandpa could have done that and maybe that's why I didn't get accepted.

First thought is that for the last few years I've not been a huge Warde fan, maybe it's because I was so thrilled with Jim Hackett. I think I was looking for reasons why Warde wasn't living up to "My" standards. Well maybe Warde was just waiting to find a hill he was willing to die on. If my memory serves me correctly Hackett/JH wanted to spill the beans on cheaters but maybe the Schizz wouldn't let them, maybe it wasn't the time. I prefer to think Ono was the driving force with a big Warde assist this time around. Like I said earlier I'll be happy just to land one good punch so the other guy(s) know to be careful, really careful if they attack us, Hope Purdue's Walters gets nicked but I doubt that happens, he's too new. I really don't like him.

G10504 hit on something I've been thinking about OSU's recruiting success since the Urban days. How are they able to recruit like a SEC school? Yes they've had great success with WR development, but what else. If they get a non WR drafted they don't do really well unless their last name is Bosa. They don't show up on the graduation rate success indicator, NW is #1, we are #2. Michigan has 14 out of 28 sports with a 100% success rate. Are they making education an after thought? Paying to play? Are we actually making kids take academics serious, shame on us? Hope OSU/Day get dinged seriously.

My last thought is again to congratulate Josh and crew for the civility this site has shown the last few days/weeks (our members should get a pat on the back also). We're getting quite a few new members but please don't come here and try to change OUR site into the one you just left. I for one like things just the way it is.

Well it's getting first light and the deer are starting to move. For you that feels like it's Christmas Eve, I hope you find the present that was on top of your list. P.S. this is not a fact based post, just my thoughts and mine alone.

It is amazing how so many have piled on Michigan simply because of trumped up fabricated lies.

As more information is released, clearly Michigan is innocent of these allegations. Connor came clean and admitted he was a lone wolf. Yet his actions were egregious in that he should never been in east landfill.

Only our resident buckeye, Highbury says different. Watch how he will call Josh a liar. You cannot make this stuff up.

As this progresses the narrative that Michigan is guilty will diminish, while others will be caught in the crosshairs. Michigan has no choice but to go for the kill shot. We've been forced to go nuclear by the actual guilty parties.

I believe this will diminish for Michigan while a black eye will worsen for OSU for how they have taken practice film illegally and quite possibly criminally obtained, passing it out throughout CFB.

I am hopeful the information released will destroy Ohio State. Their players must see their staff and school did not believe they could beat MIchigan, forcing their program to commit unscrupulous acts to beat Michigan.

My only question at this time is how deeply involved is PSU and MSU? I am sure the information Michigan will be releasing most assuredly incriminate other schools, the B1G and the NCAA.


Indefinite suspension?

There are rumors on MGoBlog that Big Ten will suspend Jim indefinitely on Monday. How does that work logistically? If more than two games then a panel of officials from separate B1G schools have to approve it. I find it hard to believe all that will happen by tomorrow and that the lack of process around the vote would play even more into Michigans legal case. I suspect if a suspension is coming it’s two games.

@Josh Henschke two questions:
1. If the B1G knows Michigan is going to fight back, couldn’t they purposely wait to announce the suspension until Wednesday or Thursday to make it harder for Michigan to take legal action in time for the PSU game?
2. If it is more than 2 games, what does the voting process look like? Would it be reported as coming because it would be hard to hide the vote happening?

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Insider Intel: Michigan vs. Big Ten, Harbaugh contract

Did some more digging today and had some very good conversations about what’s next after Tony Petitti’s meeting with Santa Ono on Friday.

Petitti left the meeting without suspending Jim Harbaugh and Ono basically daring Petitti to do something about it, with the response that they were going to extend Harbaugh regardless.

I am told there was indeed new information provided by Petitti but this does not impact the grand scheme of the investigation, nor does it impact Harbaugh’s job status.

The belief among people I speak with is IF Petitti is going to suspend Harbaugh, he will do so after tonight’s game, which means Sunday or Monday.

As for the contract, I am told they’re “very close” to getting it done. Figures are basically agreed upon at this point and now it’s getting it signed, not negotiating. The deal is not dead, it’s very much on.

IF there is a pause in talks because of a suspension, it’s a pause in signing, not negotiating.

One last point, any talk of Jim Harbaugh coaching his last game at Michigan is “complete and utter bullshit.”
