That people STILL judge and reject individuals based solely on the fact that they are different than the conformists, who reject individuals who were born different, or courageous enough to be their true selves, even though it means they’ll face a life of discrimination, oppression, and persecution for not being just another cog in the machine. That kind of attitude is Maoist..go back and read about the so-called “Cultural Revolution“ and tell me I’m wrong.
Where would we be as a species without the outliers, the savants who are likely on the Autism spectrum, as I believe Jim is. He appears so “weird” to you normals and for it, you cut him down for having a unique mind that jumps from odd topic to wild tangents about another unrelated topic, and it upsets and bothers you normals..because you know it’s the “weird and Quirky“ that are the true geniuses. When Harbaugh focuses on football topics he changes and becomes seriously locked in, espousing the minutiae of what produces winning football philosophies because he is true football savant..he was born to play, coach, and when he retires..if ever…he’ll be finally recognized as a true football genius. I honestly think he couldn’t do anything else in life than what he has accomplished to today. The only thing that has held him back from a Saban-like career is the obstacles the normals have put in his way simply because he can’t play the game of ass kissing and schmoozing in the political settings of corporate America and is persecuted from the majority of sheeple football fans of the flock that exhibit those old obsolete terribly ignorant opinions towards those of us that don’t fit into your conformist paradigm. I’ll give you two examples that spell it out best:
1. Where would humanity be with out gay people? They are usually drivers of anything creative, new, full of color, and flavor in our society. They are the creators of our greatest achievements in the arts, literature, music, design, architecture, fashion, etc. And historically speaking, most people have no idea that the minority of a steady 10% of the world population of humans that hasn’t changed, despite what those moralists who falsely claim our society has increased their number, stays 1 out of 10 constant biological fact has produced so many of our history’s greatest warriors, kings and Queens, heads of state, greatest philosophers, scientists, the bravest of us that led political rebellions and cultural rebellions, and just about any other position of power that was responsible for quantum leaps in the advancement of our species, it’s important that a hugely disproportionate ratio of them were gay…the numbers would shock you. where would we be without their genius, courage, and visionary change? Yet no one is taught these things because of a couple of lines in the Old Testament that are used to justify all of the hate, oppression, and violence they face in 2024..nearly 5,000 years after those ignorant statements were made for a society of ignorant, uneducated people who lived in a world where they had no explanations of their environment around them, so they created supernatural beliefs as answers. In the modern world where we have science to find the truth, and atheism is the largest growing belief system here in the states and around the world, that stage of humanity 5000 years ago is completely alien to ours. It's truly repugnant that so many cling to those beliefs in the modern world.
2. "White" American society has been stealing from Black Culture dating back to when the abomination of slavery became the fulcrum of southern economic and societal culture before the American Revolution. Nobody knows this, but without the actions of a black man, who was still a slave at the time, Washington does not trap Cornwallis at Yorktown and force the negotiations that led to American independence. Washington’s continental Army was actually in bad shape, it had lost a series of battles, and was precariously hanging on until the promised support of the French Navy finally appeared. However, it was the actions of one black man still in bondage, who single-handedly set up Washington for the Victory that was the impetus to our freedom from the English. Yet nobody knows about this dude..why? Because he was black. In the Civil War, it was the gallantry and sheer courageous and audacious fighting of black union units that won decisive battles against great odds that won the war in the western theater, and maintained union control of the Mississippi River supply line. Grant and other Union Generals gave them their due credit, without the Union’s approximately 250,000 to 275,000 black soldiers (records from that era are incomplete and sketchy…the numbers of total dead from the war, and other records change every year with the discovery of new data), it’s impossible to determine if the Union wins if the Mississippi becomes a supply highway for the traitors to our Republic..their contributions were that critical. Yet again, nobody learns these facts. When I taught as an adjunct for 2 years, I put at the top of the syllabus not to but the textbooks. They are nothing but propaganda and fiction. My students were going to learn the true history of the United States, through lecture and assigned books for my class. Then there is the stealing from black culture of music, art, language, scientific discoveries, and dozens of other aspects that wouldn’t exist without the 12% of our population that faced focused oppression and violence that exists today. Why do these attitudes that began centuries ago still exist? Where would America be without the contributions and yes..leadership of black culture?
And it’s the same with the influence of unique individualism in this society. I live in a totally separate culture than the normals do. All my friends are extremely talented members of a subculture of artists, musicians, writers, free thinkers, inventors, and visionaries that you normals would erroneously not hire for thier individuality alone..just on the fact they aren’t just another puzzle piece for our culture that believes bland, terribly mediocre conformity in their companies will equate to success, when nothing could be further from the truth. All these posts questioning why Harbaugh isn’t landing pro jobs with commentary from posters stating when they interview a guy or girl with a unique personality like Harbaugh, they dismiss them immediately as a job candidate. How disappointing and truly sad those attitudes are so prevalent today.
I’ll leave you with this, the irony of all those jocks and normal fans celebrating and singing along to Queen’s “We are the Champions“ is staggeringly hilarious to me, because Freddy Mercury wrote that song as a defiant protest song about how gay people have led human history as I stated previously as the “Champions of the World”. Go read the lyrics without the music and you’ll see it as plain as day..”No time for losers, because we are the champions..of the world” indeed Freddy, you magnificent gay freak…you are missed my man.
All I have to say is you can be a staunch conservative and still have an open mind towards others. Perhaps America’s most famous staunch conservative, Barry Goldwater, spoke out openly about that very thing. Although I’m a socialist, that doesn’t mean I’m a deluded liberal, I’m actually very hawkish militarily and conservative economically. Eisenhower is another republican that I appreciate more and more as I dive deeper into his presidency for his courage to cross boundaries for the common good. Where would America be without his immense socialist project of the interstate highway system that changed American life forever for the better? We certainly wouldn’t be the economic power we are today without it, nor would American car culture be as important as it still is, allowing all Americans the ability to travel the country when, before the interstates, 95% of Americans never travelled more than 25 to 50 miles from their homes. Go read about two of Americas most famous republicans and wonder how things have changed so much for the worse since their day.
Until the day things finally change, my friends and people of my ilk will still be flying our freak flags high..continuing to make huge contributions to the advancement of society and our species at large, while those who still reject us for being different will hold their companies and this country in perpetual mediocrity because uniformity makes them feel comfortable, and they’ll continue to pass on the Steve Jobs and Jim Harbaughs because they’re “Quirky”. Just think about that…you may have missed a chance to explode your company to a global player by rejecting that one guy or girl because you didn’t like that they were just another suit with a sensible haircut and able to speak the language of lies that is social corporate dialogue.
Me, I’ll be standing here in the corner, shaking my head in disgust, and patiently waiting for the Great Leap Forward.
Free your mind folks..and your ass will follow. Change with the times or get left behind.
Signed - “Quirky and Weird” Argus.