Once a football team has had its identity shaken its often not an immediate recovery.
Suddenly talent takes a relevance backseat to a crisis of confidence/identity.
We saw this in 1998 and 2007 after great seasons were followed with horrific starts. Both seasons the team was still performing in a ho-hum manner will into October. Heck we even saw it in 2003 with Oregon and Iowa punches to the gut and required a miracle comeback against a bad minnesota team before the train was back on the track.
In each of those cases the extended period of playing below talent due to identity/confidence crisis came under the umbrella of the same staff as their previous reality.
This could take a minute and get worse before it gets better.
I suggest closing your eyes often and visualizing power right and power left in Pasadena

and trusting that the guy Jim INSISTED on hiring is the right one.