IronScrotum Weighs In

Hey Y’all,

I know I’m late to the party here, but I wanted to weigh in on the game last night:

I’m not at all happy with the loss, but I was glad to see them show some mettle and play with some balls after going down 21-3 in the 2nd quarter. It would have been all too easy for them to lay down and take a beating/check out at that point, but they came roaring back and had chances to take the lead/win the game at several points during the contest. I can think of plenty of other programs, including one from the sorry state of Ohio, who would have just folded under the same circumstances.

I have to admit, I was cocky going into this game. I was not worried at all about TCU and thought Michigan would roll over them. If I felt that way as a fan, how arrogant must the players have been in the days leading up to the game??

They’re only human and I think it’s easy to forget that they are VERY young men, most of whom are ages 18-21.

Bottom line, they are the better team and should have won last night, but a change in perspective will help to show that it’s not all doom and gloom after last night.

Granted, I may be feeling differently if Ohio State beat UGA last night and was heading to the Natty 😂 thank Christ that didn’t happen 🙌

Can someone clarify the clock dituation for me?

On the final TD drive, Edwards ran out of bounds on the left side. Shortly thereafter JJ ran out on the right side. Neither guy was forced out or had progress stopped....but in neither case did the clock stop.

I know they've changed rules to shorten games by keeping the clock running more often. Guy behind me said going out never stops the clock until under 3:00. I'm probably way late to the party, but is that right?

Hell of a year.

13-1, a win over OSU, and a big ten title.

Sure, it’s disappointing to lose in the playoffs. Very proud of Michigan fighting back in this game. Michigan could have won if it wasn’t for miscues inside the 5. However, that’s football. No reason to bash the players or coaches. Definitely can offer constructive criticism on play calling.

Michigan returns some good players for next year and who knows........maybe another win over OSU and another big ten title.

Here is to a great 2023 for everybody on this board! Go blue!

Most surprising, most disappointing

Mid way Michigan football season.
Can be a player, coach, play design, game outcome, etc.

For me the most surprising piece has been the pass rush. I was never in the camp that it would take a huge step back. Obviously, they couldn't replace Hutch with a single player, but I thought the committee approach could work and the staff would adjust. But Mike Morris has been phenomenal, the rise of Okie so quick has been massive. Harrell has improved as a pass rusher. The pressure coming from the inside with Mazi, Graham, and Jenkins. And obviously the pass rush support from linebackers and guys like Mike Sainristil. Pass rush didn't take a step back, it got better.

Disappointing I will go with parts of the passing game. We knew running the ball would still lead the offense and I actually really like what they are doing now. JJ has missed on deep shots, and defenses have been focusing on not letting Michigan go deep so it isn't necessarily that which I find disappointing. For years Michigan has spread the ball around TOO much in my opinion. Never letting a receiver get in rhythm with constant rotations. Now, they are arguably 8-10 deep and Michigan has really locked into its top 3 receivers. I'm surprised by the lack of involvement of Anthony and Henning, and really thought we'd see something from Clemons at this point. Wouldn't be shocked if any of that happens in the next couple weeks but didn't think the WR room would be used like this after 7 games.

Football By the Numbers: JJ McCarthy boom or bust passing vs TCU

Lights out deep ball and serious struggles on short throws is not something I saw coming.
You can see McCarthy’s elite potential, and I think the data shows some missed opportunities to go all in where JJ was thriving.

Off season itineraries

Now that the season is over. What is the schedule for the kids and what can the coaches do with them? Is it no.cpntact at all. I know we are not practicing but can JJ and Moore meet for film study for example?

This off season needs some guys to take some big jumps. We need some WRs. To emerge as studs. JJ needs his Manningham, Avant or Edwards. Loveland is not a main weapon. We need outside speed and a game changer. We lack that. We have average kids at WR.

Good season and if TCU gets blown out we could be #2 in the country.
