Michigan opens -19.5 vs MSU

I know, rivalry game, but given the last few weeks, is there any reason to not pick a 40+ score for Michigan and less than 10 for MSU?
How you all feeling?

MSU “quick review”

Tonight we watched the BTN 60 minutes MSU vs Rutgers-and one of the first plays was the ref announcing “after a quick review” they had confirmed/changed a yardage line-I’m not even sure of the result of the ruling cause I was caught off guard by the “after a quick review”-anyone else know what this is?? Lol

Hail to the Podcast: Michigan rising and Sparty is next

The Wolverines are creeping up on #1, JJ is second in Heisman odds, young guys are rising, & a trip to East Lansing is next. What do we still need to learn about this team? And what did
@brockheilig think of Tommy Boy!

Insider Intel: Some further Harbaugh talks…

There is a belief that there was some kind of meeting involved Warde Manuel on Friday regarding Jim Harbaugh’s contract. I say belief because it was strongly implied but not said specifically.

It may or may not be related, but the fact that Warde publicly praised Harbaugh after his postgame press conference suggests whatever was discussed went well.

It’s discussed here:“hey-jim-you-missed-one-coach-in-your-praise-great-job-by-you-”.353602/

I know, I know. Just get it done. I don’t have control over this! Just reporting what I’m hearing lol
