They have yet to present any evidence, but they have already visited other schools to see if they want to refuse to play us.
This apparently goes back a few years, but only the first peep today?
Rarely does the NCAA pull this kind of thing mid-season. Oddly enough, it rears its ugly head as we begin the meat of our schedule against one of our top rivals.
Finally, the news of a BIG contract coming soon for Harbaugh has been news lately.
I believe this is an attempt to wreck a championship season, run off our coach, and put us back in our place.
They have been after Jim since he stepped away from the NFL and onto the Michigan campus. He was a target for his football camps and the signing day celebrations. It's never stopped. They didn't like it when Shea Patterson and Mars spanked their butts in court, and he ended up in Michigan. They don't like it when Jim calls a spade a spade.
They have now ramped up their efforts. I pray they aren't successful.