Timeline of a few events

Rumors that both washington and mattison were recruiting that 5 star DL from ohio TO ohio state while employed by Michigan that favored us before the 2018 game.

Then Michigan's top ranked defense gives up 62 points.

Rumors of ohio state knowing our signals in 2019. Another bad performance.

2020 Harbaugh mentions that ohio state wasn't following rules regarding practicing with pads.

That is where the Hang 100 on them came from.

2021 and 2022 Michigan humiliates ohio state. Wins by 30 in 2022 in columbus (refs assist ohio state with a blatant wrong call to remove a walk in touchdown.

2023. ohio state looks like garbage and needs pure incompetence by freeman and locksley to not have two losses.

Michigan is dominating teams after a weird start to the season (won by big margins regardless).

Now teams are crying to the conference after getting their asses handed to them.

Here's where where Im at on all this...

BS. Get Harbaugh signed to a new contract. Thats about as big of a screw you to the NCAA. That would also show coach Harbaugh how much he is wanted. None of this $#!+ amounts to anything.

The supposed lying to the NCAA. This new spygate crap. Btw the Astros were in the playoffs again this year without stealing signs.

If ANYONE with a half a brain thought somehow stealing signs has helped Michigan win their 1st 7 games against inferior teams...they have no idea about football. Michigan is just that much better than their opponents to date.

How many plays has JJ improvised on this year for big plays? If Michigan had the signs why did it take them until the 3rd qtr to make adjustments?

This is way past stupid. I would hope the university would go after the NCAA in court for harassment and defamation. See how long it would stop all this crap once the case was filed in court!

This NCAA thing is odd.

They have yet to present any evidence, but they have already visited other schools to see if they want to refuse to play us.

This apparently goes back a few years, but only the first peep today?

Rarely does the NCAA pull this kind of thing mid-season. Oddly enough, it rears its ugly head as we begin the meat of our schedule against one of our top rivals.

Finally, the news of a BIG contract coming soon for Harbaugh has been news lately.

I believe this is an attempt to wreck a championship season, run off our coach, and put us back in our place.

They have been after Jim since he stepped away from the NFL and onto the Michigan campus. He was a target for his football camps and the signing day celebrations. It's never stopped. They didn't like it when Shea Patterson and Mars spanked their butts in court, and he ended up in Michigan. They don't like it when Jim calls a spade a spade.

They have now ramped up their efforts. I pray they aren't successful.

Football Jim Harbaugh releases a statement

I want to make it clear that I, and my staff, will fully cooperate with the investigation into this matter.

I do not have any knowledge or information regarding the University of Michigan football program illegally stealing signals, nor have I directed any staff member or others to participate in an off-campus scouting assignment. I have no awareness of anyone on our staff having done that or having directed that action.

I do not condone or tolerate anyone doing anything illegal or against NCAA rules.

No matter what program or organization that I have led throughout my career, my instructions and awareness of how we scout opponents have always been firmly within the rules.

Pursuant to NCAA rules, I will not be able to comment further while this investigation takes place.

My immediate thoughts on the new allegations

Sign stealing doesn’t lead to players like Aiden Hutchinson playing as well as they do in the NFL. All sign stealing would do is hurt player development and lead to a lack of awareness for true in-game situations, and I would be shocked if the allegations are actually true.

Michigan’s defense has been pretty spectacular, though, so I understand other teams trying to make sense of something that they may be struggling to replicate.

Honestly feeling bummed and pissed tonight

I am a double UM grad. I love our university. But tonight I am so bummed that our players who have busted their ass are now being told the reason we have lost one non playoff game in two years is because we cheated.

I am also pissed that we have an AD that is so feckless that he can’t understand that his university is being accused of having no integrity and whose most visible representatives are being painted as cheaters.

if Ward doesn’t get fired up and start viciously defending Jim and our team then I see no other option then for Jim to leave

I only hope the kids circle the wagons and drop bombs on every remaining opponent they face the rest of the season. Starting with MSU Saturday. Take no prisoners.

List of stupid things pre msu game

2007 their pos moment of silence and their players mentioning not wanting to be little brother before Hart did.

2008 Michigan rumored to have shut off hot water in their lockerroom

2009 not sure

2010 Michigan Stadium staffer wishes d'antoni good health, he responds Expletive You.

2011 A bounty type set up to injury Denard

2012 msu players and twitter posting expletives about Denard during alabama game.

2013 not sure

2014 Joe Bowden puts a tooth pick in their field.

2015. They sell hope, we sell results

2016. Not sure

2017 players target Bush after their coach cried about the 2016 hit he had on their player

2018. The orchestrated attempt to get in Michigan's way before the game.

2019 msu players wear helmets on the bus

2020 gattis admits no preparation was done

2021 big ten commissioner sits in stands rooting for son in a highly questionable reffed game

2022 An unhinged lunatic is screaming for violence all game which culminates with the criminal assaults
