Prelude: My psychiatrist has killed my 7 month long immersion into contract primary data research and analysis. We usually just have phone call check ups, but he didn’t like the way I was talking or my answers, and had me come in for a face to face meeting to check me out with his eyes. He decided I was deep into an obsessive altered state of psychosis and was heading towards a huge crash into a psychotic episode of unknown type or duration due to my destructive hyperactivity where I will get deeper and deeper into my brain’s “unique” way of multiple voices all taking about separate analytical observations and opinions where..I wouldn’t say often because I haven’t worked in the field in 22 years..let’s say I “have a habit” of discovering things that others missed due to this special “gift” from my traumatic brain injury at birth.
This “gift” would be truly amazing if it always didn’t end up destroying my life at the end of a long period of time of hyperactivity that, just when I hit the Apex of years of incredible, unnatural hyperactive achievement, I begin to crack until my “engine” has the inevitable catastrophic failure and I begin a slow death spiral of self destruction filled with rampant drinking, indiscriminate drug use, and using women as just another drug to abuse to find brief periods of respite from the chaos of self destruction I no longer had the strength to stop.
Ultimately, I end up immolating everything I had worked so hard to build for 5 or 6 years in approximately 8 to 10 months until I reach the Event Horizon of the super black hole of my serious mental illness..and I enter the Singularity of becoming nonfunctional altogether. I thought I put these cycles of repetitive super arduous ascents to where I can almost touch the heavens, only to fall to my “death” like Icarus in the inevitable mental collapse and slow descent into hell that always happens after I realized I’ll never have a “normal” life and made a fundamental tack to change course and quit trying to blend in. I got caught up in the validation I received from knowing I still “got it” and the praise I received as feedback. It gave me a sense of pride I haven’t felt in 15 years and I let my guard down as a result. Got deep into it again without realizing what was happening until my psychiatrist straightened me out.
There will be no more geopolitical analysis OT post from me. It’s a trigger topic for me. My final statement is I’m more convinced than ever that a 3rd global war is eminent…it’s only a matter of a roll of the Roulette Wheel as to when. If I was the military strategist of one of our enemies, I’d wait until the after the election in November. If things don’t go well for the neo-Christian National Socialists (Their name for themselves..not mine) and sectarian violence erupts domestically in the US..that’s when China will try to take advantage and attempt to take back Taiwan by invasion. There are many, myself included, that believe they missed their window already. The US, Japan, and a surprisingly belligerent Philippines control the narrow straights both directly north and south of Taiwan and would blow the Chinese Navy to the sky if they foolishly attempted to invade now. But in War..the dice are rolling and anything can happen. It’s now or never for China’s boastful claims they will take Formosa back..I think their pride will cloud their judgement and lead to an epic disaster for them.
As for Russia, there are so many countries armed to the teeth with centuries long thirsts for payback that it’s not going to take much for them to hit Putin at his weakest. I believe that Türkiye will never let Ukraine fall into Putin’s hands and will be the country to start WWIII by striking deep to Moscow through Asia Minor..what happens next is pure infinite variable equation of the chaos of war. NATO has never been stronger. In fact, it’s the strongest military alliance in the history of the world. I have no doubt as to the outcome. It’s how much it will cost us all that is vexing me.
I’ll leave you with a stock tip - start buying up GE, Boeing, McDonnell Douglas, GMC Armor if it has a stock sold separately from GM, find out which companies will be involved in the domestic production of chips and other tech components we currently buy from China…it’s already been decided that will end very soon. And always invest in AI weapons systems companies. Even Musk’s Spaceships are good investments, as DARPA has big plans for his new “Starship”. War is an indefensible outrageous crime against humanity, unfortunately it is absolutely necessary at this stage of our evolution. Might as well make a little money off what we do best as a species.
That concludes my last OT post about my contract work I did over the last 6 months. “Exceptional” was just one of the effusive compliments I received about the quality of my work that would have taken a researcher with a normal brain at least 16 months to duplicate. I still got it. The irony that my one true gift ultimately destroys my sanity when I attempt to use it is just so…me.
- Argus