You know you’re a fair weather fan when
….you can not accept that Michigan lost 22 CONTRIBUTORS off the 2023 team
- 18 are on NFL rosters
- 13 drafted
- The #9 overall pick was the starting QB
- he HC, DC, DL, LB, RB, ST and secondary coaches
- The entire Oline
- Your best safety and field general on defense to injury
And you say these are all excuses
You know you’re a fair weather fan when
- You say the HC Sherrone Moore is Juwan 2.0
- You neglect to realize Sherrone worked his way up from TE coach to Oline coach OC and HC
You know you’re a fair weather fan when
- you want to fire the HC and his entire staff or any combination after 2 damn games
- you predict 7-5 6-6 or 5-7 after 2 DAMN GAMES after going 41-3 over 3 years
I stayed with this site after trying the new site’s $1 yearly subscription which I cancelled after 2 months. I am enough of a fan that I talked my wife into joining. I have developed some nice relationships with members on here. One of which I am at odds more often than I agree with and that is
@Minocm who my wife and I sat with for the NC game. We have fought like cats and dogs, but we don’t bash each other or attack players and coaches.
I am the eternal optimist because of what I’ve seen in my lifetime and found that things can always be worse. I know things are always not sunshine and lollipops, but neither are things so ridiculously bad. The negative over reaction on here is flat out absurd. What’s worse is what a friend calls “concern trolling” where people drum up concern just to see how much they can rile people up. These are the posters that need to go. It’s one thing to have legitimate concern. It’s another to play with people’s feelings for sport or to keep their narrative going while they sit back and nudge their online buddies in the ribs with a watch this type attitude. These are the people who have beaten NIL, Warde and Harbaugh leaving to death. It’s their go to. Not to mention burger-gate (thank God that’s done), and sign-gate. They get bored and decide to just stir shit up for sport. It’s uncalled for.
Being a Michigan fan can be tough at times, but we all need to keep things in perspective. Last week
@Minocm lost his nephew. Many others on here have lost loved ones and have had other tragedies affect their lives. I would challenge each member to think before you become a key board commando and start attacking others on this site, the coaches, or the players. It’s childish and counterproductive to the growth of this site.
My wife and I will and we assume most other fans on here will remain die hard unconditional fans until we no longer can.