ESPN Radio this Morning

On the morning show Unsportsmanlike, they do a segment called "I'm over it" with their main producer. It's based on the fact that the guy basically hates everything and has some "hot" takes. This morning during this segment, one of the things he was over was Ryan Day being a good coach. He said that college football coaches are judged on winning big games/championships and Day hasn't done either

Maize Jersey Return??

Wondering if I am the only one who has noticed this recently. The maize jersey that had been featured once in the game vs Florida and used in the spring game always had a Blue color and cuffs on it. That version is no longer for sale online. This new version has shown up that is now all maize with just a blue number on it.

Could this mean they are getting ready to debut a new maize jersey this season? Not sure why else they would change the retail version…

Midwest Michigan aka Iowa

watching this Iowa game and can’t help but think we abandoned the run wasaayy too early against Washington. Also never thought I would say this, but this is how a Michigan offense should look but better. Run, run, use your TE, PA, and run again. I know it’s not that simple but I think we have people to pull that off. Excited to see what Tuttle can do and keep this offense moving!

OSU Hmmm.

They are explosive.
Their wideouts are the real deal.
They have a good QB.

They don't tackle well.
They can be beaten deep.
They gave up almost 500 yards.
Day is who we know him to be.
They won't go undefeated like we did.

They are a good football team, but they were built to win it all this year. Now, the pressure is on Day because the margin of error is much thinner.
If they drop one more, it could be interesting. Maybe the idiot in Happy Valley can be a useful idiot and pull a win out of his butt and really put the screws to Day.
