I hate to say this, BUT it is time for Michigan's donors

to open up their checkbooks and do what everyone else is doing in NIL. I am sure there is in fact a way to shell out millions for Jr's, Sr's and pay enough incentive for Freshman & sophmores to get them to buy in. Michigan has the financial wherewithall that can bury most schools, period. It is time that Michigan unleashes the beast.

Message to team

Play angry, but remain disciplined. The whole UM family would love to be in there with you and rip somebody on the opposing views head off also. Controlled rage. Execute to perfection and don’t lose this control. Refs likely to have a quick flag, so keep it together and beat their ass the best way you can by pounding them into submission on the scoreboard.

Happy Veterans Day

I wish you all a HVD and a monster win today at slappy valley. To the posters who haven’t served but support us I thank you all .

I know this isn’t about Football but it’s incredibly important to remember all that gave us their all.

God BLESS the USA and the MICHIGAN Wolverines

Just talked to my coach friend in Happy Valley

I texted him good luck you got this. He called me which he never does. "He says report we are going to beat the shit out of these mother f...... Kids are beyong angry and the leaders are leading. We have a team to handle this. War is what they want then that's what they f... got. Got to go call you Sunday"

Never heard him that angry. He is a very mild manored guy. I was a bit scared to be honest. We got this guys regardless if Harbaugh is there it not. This is war. On Veterns Day weekend you are going to see a second storming of something. This is time its Happy Valley

Different Judge Than Reported

John U. Bacon is reporting that Judge Carol Kuhnke is presiding in our request for a TRO, not Judge Tim Connors. No ruling has been made verbally or issued in writing. She is supposed to be “a good judge”, but nowhere near as experienced as Judge Connors. No one is estimating when a verbal or written ruling may come down.

Judge Kuhnke was elected by the voters of Washtenaw County in 2012 and took the bench on January 1, 2013. She was appointed by the Supreme Court to be the Chief Judge of the Washtenaw County Trial Court effective January 1, 2019. She also serves as the Presiding Judge of the Civil/Criminal Division. She holds a bachelor's degree in philosophy and history of art from the University of Michigan, and a juris doctor from Chicago-Kent College of Law.

Judge Carol Kuhnke as an attorney in private practice, worked in large and small firms before founding the law firm of Davis and Kuhnke, PC in 1997. She worked in civil litigation for a total of 19 years before becoming a judge.

Eh? Good?!

I don’t know how to put a picture on here or I would have put the screenshot but this is from Shuster on Twitter and I think we like him right?E

Friends @umich I’m going to sleep. You should too. Even if the judge has finished her writing, it’s not clear there is somebody to file it and put it on pacer (court doc system) until the am. But justice will prevail for @CoachJim4UM and @UMichFootball. You will see.#Goblue

Let me make this clear...

....Im all in on Michigan leaving the B1G. I've just researched the hell out of why it will be extremely difficult for them to leave.

TV rights...buyouts ...difference in payouts etc. If they get out it's because of some sort damage thing like irrepitable harm or some lawyer thing like that.

Would love to see Lsu georgia ...bama etc come north in Nov to play in The Big House!

We shall see.

Random positive fact from pa local

So I’m about 75 miles from State College 😍 and I will be at the game tomorrow. Long story short I started a new job this week and the office is being redone so we’re doing our training at the Marriott that is connected to Harrisburg international airport. The amount of people that I saw today in the lobby that were arriving into town because they flew into Harrisburg in support of Michigan is crazy. Literally to the point where I was taking a piss and a guy walked in in Michigan sweatshirt who booked his ticket 12 hours ago from Orlando., Couldn’t get a hotel within an hour under $1000 so he is sleeping in his rental car tonight to go to the game tomorrow. Lots of Michigan arriving in town via plane.

Tone of Big Ten response

I did not read, my husband did. He said it felt personal, like the commissioner is saying I must protect the conference from these terrible people. First, do others on here agree with his impression? Second, how did this happen? How did we become the evil empire? I know from my years of watching M football the fan bases hate us-they want us to fail. We are everyone’s big game. But we weren’t dirty, etc. We’ve been a good Big Ten partner, I think. I know Jim can be polarizing but that shouldn’t be enough for this narrative that we are a dangerous crooked team. Are our enemies really so skillful at spinning the narrative?
