And that there are some people who can't comprehend it. So when you see JC Latham, the projected top 10 NFL pick and Josiah Stewart, a 3 star Costal Carolina transfer, your mind just won't believe and can't believe that Stewart wins any 1 on 1 in that battle in that match up on paper. Then Stewart, at 6'1" and 240 pounds, which is 120 pounds lighter than Latham at 6'6" 360....bench presses him to blow up a play to win the game..... Even if you could believe that maybe Stewart could beat him on a speed rush, him throwing him back ala Hutch and Thayer Mumford, that wasn't in anyone's mind. That is an example of a player who does not let fear or his brain, or reputation or appearance or NFL hype get in the way of beating someone better than you.
This is not always going to be that way. Latham will get his road grading in. But I think in this iteration of Michigan football, the culture is one where there is no fear. And Stewart showed exactly what punching up above your weight class looks like literally at 240 vs. 360, and literally when it comes to Michigan's model being able to beat teams that in theory are better recruiting teams with higher rankings. That is the "shocking effort" that the Harbaughs and Michigan talk about.