Who are you people what the hell happened to my friends?*

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- Mulvaspills

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Ann Arbor
Post #1244

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This post was edited on 11/17 3:56 PM by mjarecki (Revisions)
I just made my noise maker for the game. I took a 16 oz gatorade bottle, put heavy change i.e. nickels and quarterz only! I then was faced with a dillema: I have a maize pompon that I want to take and wave as well as my I decided to cut a hole in the cap of my gatorade bottle and I placed the pom-pon in that hole--so when I shake my noise maker I wave the pom-pon at the same time--its ingenius!!

And when I put the noise maker in my sweatshirt pocket the pom-pon will hang out and nobody will realize that I am bringing a bottle into the stadium!
I bet this was a good thread.

A good example of why Thread View beats the crapola out of topic view!
Does owning a pair of these gain me access on the USS JoeBlue3 this summer? Or do I have to fill my Kate Upton spank bank file online still?