You're just jelly because I won't go to Texas unless it's court orderedghey
You're just jelly because I won't go to Texas unless it's court orderedghey
You're just jelly because I won't go to Texas unless it's court ordered
BAW, who was that you clowned that led to the pic of Hawking in his wheelchair beating Bolt? Clontarf?(Lifts head)...Where the hell am I? What year is it?
Wait, what? I have to hear how that saga ended.SunkBear did finally find beefer. That story was ridiculous, on both sides.
Why the face man. I'm standing right here.Yep, i suck. For the record, I don't dislike minorities, just mexicans that post here
Like the back of a Volkswagen?Haaaa! I had a g/f a few years ago who could mostly cook, but every once in a while she'd make something that really sucked. And I would try to choke it down...
His dirtbag father banged the wrong chick and now he is in hiding with him near a hair plug surgeon.What happened to TDFever? Last I heard he was very upset because of the residual bowel movement smell where he took a shower after working out at his office location?
You will have to ask him the particulars but suffice it to say he wasn't happy. Hope he didn't get some sort of respiratory problem.
Can you not be on this thread? Take you best buddy aoiichi with you.One last thing...I don't mean to diminish most of the thread about the loss of a man. Sorry to hear.
They're just categories that indicate how much time you have to waste on message boards on the internets, and it depends on your definition of "better".So I see that some of us are "Heisman"s and some of us are "Michigan Men". Which is better? How do they compare to wearing a Legends Jersey?
(Laughs at the "Lettermen")
EL_CHUPACABRAWho was that crazy guy that was always challenging BAW to meet some place to fight?
The one regret I have on this board is not being here for the PSU rape scandal. I'm guessing BWI was glorious during that time frame
Scottblue!!!! You really should read the whole thread, but I'm going to post this again because it's epic and people should know about it. I forget the exact details, but SkunkBear and his beefer-hunting friends somehow tracked him down via a facebook account and then matched his picture up with a yearbook picture to determine that his real name is Ed Mastrovich. He lives in McKeesport, PA. Skunk has his whole life story and contact information on a web page. And John Tratur is another one of Ed's aliases. You gotta read this page:Wait, what? I have to hear how that saga ended.
I remember lurking in 04 and seeing a bunch of crazy shit from SkunkBear about a stalker :laugh:
Scottblue needs to start a new thread of his own. He's like Tupac around these parts.
Tupac was a clown who was rapping in Digital Underground and then all of a sudden he was a hardo with a Thug Life tat...pleaseScottblue needs to start a new thread of his own. He's like Tupac around these parts.
That's what he wants everyone to think. I was at this festival and there was Scottblue on stage. It was not a hologram I swear.Dead?
Scottblue needs to start a new thread of his own. He's like Tupac around these parts.
Enter key sticking?
Tupac was a clown who was rapping in Digital Underground and then all of a sudden he was a hardo with a Thug Life tat...please
Can't wait for todays editions of Ask Jizzard and BAW's Guess my Lunch.
So did they do away with sig pics, or am I not seeing the option on my flip phone?
Can't wait for todays editions of Ask Jizzard and BAW's Guess my Lunch.
I stopped eating McGriddles altogether once they left it off the all day breakfast menu.Anyone else eating their Mcgriddles with cheese this morning?![]()
Aoiichi doesn't just spit hot fire.Tried to get tjsblue and aoiichi to fight irl several times, but they just end up having a beer and hugging it out, and probably banging later.
Tupac was a clown who was rapping in Digital Underground and then all of a sudden he was a hardo with a Thug Life tat...please
I stopped eating McGriddles altogether once they left it off the all day breakfast menu.
That link is full of yumbo. Not to mention plop.Scottblue!!!! You really should read the whole thread, but I'm going to post this again because it's epic and people should know about it. I forget the exact details, but SkunkBear and his beefer-hunting friends somehow tracked him down via a facebook account and then matched his picture up with a yearbook picture to determine that his real name is Ed Mastrovich. He lives in McKeesport, PA. Skunk has his whole life story and contact information on a web page. And John Tratur is another one of Ed's aliases. You gotta read this page:
So much time has passed, I now picture him like the Epic Beard Man riding the BART with a plastic grocery bag.BAW is having a protein shake and a glass of steroids.
A handful of rather scathing emails but no response yet.Have you at least put in the nominal effort of writing a letter to every McDonalds executive voicing your displeasure?
I picture him fat wearing a tri-corner hat.So much time has passed, I now picture him like the Epic Beard Man riding the BART with a plastic grocery bag.
HAA!!! I never knew he was in DU. Hilarious.
A handful of rather scathing emails but no response yet.
I picture him fat wearing a tri-corner hat.