Early AM Den OT: Well, DARPA just rolled out an AI Fighter Drone..

that they taught how to think like a fighter pilot, and it just performed it’s first successful “dogfighting” mission going up against a fighter pilot in the latest, essentially brand new F-16. Better yet, taking the lessons we learned about Putin’s Afghanistan in the war in Ukraine, where “cheap and more” beats “expensive and few” in the AI battlefield 10 years from now, this drone is going to cost a fraction of the proposed 2 trillion dollar F-35 10 year extension program currently on the table. This autonomous AI fighter drone is being fast-tracked at lightning speed. This is a threshold moment, we’ve crossed into dark waters, and there is no going back.

Just wanted to apologize…

To anyone that I might’ve made nervous today about Marsh and Washington.

This is probably unnecessary and me ending up over explaining things but we believe in transparency here and you all deserve to hear stuff from me.

I wasn’t try to sell drama for clicks or anything like that, there was some legitimate concern about Washington making a last second push and I briefly contemplated not even saying anything at all. Hindsight suggests I should’ve just kept it to myself as now it always appeared it was going to be Michigan but it’s damned if you do, damned if you don’t. Especially if things went the other way.

But there’s a reason why Sherrone wasn’t tweeting any eyeballs and there was not any definitive word about a decision. As I said, Michigan’s lead was likely large enough where the late push didn’t matter much in hindsight but you don’t really know when things are kind of cloudy in the moment.

I’m not sitting here thinking anyone is saying that’s what we’re doing here from our subscriber base, I have some regrets with how I worded things and this is just me beating myself up and not coming from someone publicly or privately. I apologize if anyone took what I said in any other way than updating up to the minute information.

Either way, I am glad I trusted my gut and stuck with those who we speak to, they had us on the right path from the start but it’s safe to say there were some indigestion issues in the hour or so leading up to the announcement.

I’ll shut up now. We appreciate you all being here.
