
Feb 14, 2012
..Just watched some of his past highlights....H.S. and USC. He also had that nice run for UofM.
Just wondered what happened to him...I know he roughed the kicker, fumbled a few times and
maybe was not the best blocking back protecting the quarterback, but i thought that could be corrected with the coaching staff UofM now has. From a few things I have read he is actually faster than Kareem Walker.
Something happen behind the scenes??
..Just watched some of his past highlights....H.S. and USC. He also had that nice run for UofM.
Just wondered what happened to him...I know he roughed the kicker, fumbled a few times and
maybe was not the best blocking back protecting the quarterback, but i thought that could be corrected with the coaching staff UofM now has. From a few things I have read he is actually faster than Kareem Walker.
Something happen behind the scenes??
The guy went for over 500 yds in a HS state title game. I had high hopes when he decided to transfer, but a huge disappointment so far. Doesn't seem to run hard all the time, which is a bad idea with JH.
He had problems even before fall practice started. There were rumors that he was home during the summer and might not come back to campus. He might transfer and sit another year. He came back, but ran afoul of the staff. He has not dressed or played very often since his big run. I do not expect him to be with the team next year.
Guy is entitled. He wasn't good at protecting the QB and got benched. Instead of working his way back in, he complained . He will probably transfer to Illinois and might do well there.
The entitlement crap by players at this level comes from being babied by their prep coaches and the recruiting crap that is presently going on-stars, stars,stars, it's all about stars. I coached Dequan Bowers in high school 5 Stars (Clemson DE 1st round pick-Bucs) He was smothered by recruiters from his 9th grade year until he graduated. Georgia was after him big time and Kirby Smart was his recruiter. Years ago, Kirby and I talked about how the new recruitment push is becoming more negative than positive. It is disappointing because Bowers spent only 4 years in the league. The biggest complaint was his lack of work ethic. Sucks. Great kid but was touted as the 'Big Chief" from the time he was 13. This kind of stuff is a combination of both a lack of personal responsibility and societal issues. I will say though that Dequan never ever talked back to his coaches-He was a "yes Sir" kid and had a great family. It sounds like Isaac on the other hand is a complete turd if their is any truth to it.
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I compare kids like Isaac to my sister. Bear with me on my analogy. My sister always had more potential than I did in high school. While I had to work to get good grades, everything came easy to her in high school. She didn't have to work hard to get good grades. When she got to college it was different. She didn't have the work ethic to make through college because it was a step up from high school. She couldn't get by just on her smarts--she had to work. She didn't and flunk out after one year. Same with Isaac. All of a sudden he gets to the college game and is surrounded by people that are as good as he is. However, they pass him by because they work harder.
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The entitlement crap by players at this level comes from being babied by their prep coaches and the recruiting crap that is presently going on-stars, stars,stars, it's all about stars. I coached Dequan Bowers in high school 5 Stars (Clemson DE 1st round pick-Bucs) He was smothered by recruiters from his 9th grade year until he graduated. Georgia was after him big time and Kirby Smart was his recruiter. Years ago, Kirby and I talked about how the new recruitment push is becoming more negative than positive. It is disappointing because Bowers spent only 4 years in the league. The biggest complaint was his lack of work ethic. Sucks. Great kid but was touted as the 'Big Chief" from the time he was 13. This kind of stuff is a combination of both a lack of personal responsibility and societal issues. I will say though that Dequan never ever talked back to his coaches-He was a "yes Sir" kid and had a great family. It sounds like Isaac on the other hand is a complete turd if their is any truth to it.
Very good assessment as the one comparing himself to his sister.
I hope that changes by next year. If anyone can bring him up to what
he can be it will Harbaugh and his staff.
Spot on SC.

Many of these guys are spoiled from all the attention and it's hard to start anew and realize that time of your life is gone and you have to prove yourself all over again. Not as easy as it sounds.

Kids develop and get better and having the hunger to succeed is priceless. Something to prove. A chip on your shoulder.

I'd rather have someone with slightly less talent but a desire to succeed and a work ethic which creates a culture of competition.

According to Sam Webb on the Michigan Insider today he said that since shortly before the O$U game Isaac has been practicing the best of the RB's. Maybe we're jumping the gun on this guy. I know he took a dump midway through the Reg. season but maybe he's starting to get it.

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