Inappropriate or Acceptable?

And she's the mother of a recruit? Don't think so.

Thanks for playing. Another stupid post by you, but you never disappoint.
wow . . .

So you're not aware that Lyons is strongly contemplating the continuation of his football career (and graduate education) at Michigan?

My apologies for confusing you with a knowledgeable Michigan and college football fan along with your lack of understanding of the relationship between Lyons and Jim Harbauh.

Your post needs to become significantly more informed to rise to the level of stupid. You might want to take a seat.
Wow-confusing a kid that may transfer for a 5th year with a

"recruit" is even more stupid than I would've supposed even for you.
See, "recruit" commonly refers to a player in HS that a college is "recruiting". You apparently are new to this.
Please get smarter or stop posting. Thanks again.
It's remarkable how truly idiotic you are, and yet you don't even seem to know it.
Quick question-do stupid people such as yourself truly not understand that you're not as smart as the rest of us?
Or do you get it, and that makes you very resentful that you got such a below normal level of intelligence?

This post was edited on 2/8 5:34 PM by ChicagoBlueFan
in other words . . .

You had no idea about this and have no intelligent response that would offer a reasonable defense for the conduct, so you're deflecting like a 10 year old who's been caught misbehaving. Do yourself and everyone else a favor and take a seat. The subject matter is well beyond your level of comprehension. I would imagine you've heard this quite a bit and know the drill well.
in other words . . .

You had no idea about this and have no intelligent response that would offer a reasonable defense for the conduct, so you're deflecting like a 10 year old who's been caught misbehaving. Do yourself and everyone else a favor and take a seat. The subject matter is well beyond your level of comprehension. I would imagine you've heard this quite a bit and know the drill well.
So I'm going with Option A-you truly don't even realize that you are

extremely stupid and you apparently think that everyone else is at your (far below normal) level.
Thanks for playing.
Again, please get smarter or stop posting. Thanks on behalf of the board.
Crazy that after further reflection you figured a way that it's all good.
if be concerned if it was a 4 year player actually. ..

But you don't pull something shady to rent a good but not great player for 1 year. I also think is LESS shady that she's on staff as opposed to somebody hiring her for some random office job where she makes 80k for unskilled work.
With each and every post . . .

You demonstrate that you have no idea of the subject matter or any of the specifics of the situation. None. And yet you persist in posting, which only makes you look dumber and dumber. You can't measure up on the substance, so you go for volume.

An old saying for those of us in my line of work: When the facts are on your side, pound the facts. When they aren't, pound the table. You're pounding the table (well, you're really not even doing that). You're just flailing aimlessly, without purpose, intelligence or any sense of self-awareness. Kind of sad, actually.

Come back when you're a little older and you might be able to participate. Until then, the kid's club is closed, so run along home. Youre not able to keep up, pal?
It's likely you wish you could make it through the alphabet without peeking. Someday. If you work really, really hard.
It's almost overkill now. We get it, you're not very bright.

You're kind of beating a dead horse here.
Please try to get smarter or stop posting. You're at a really low starting point, so you clearly have a LOT of ground you can cover in order to approach even slightly below normal intelligence. In a way, that's good for you.
You've been dismissed, I think it's time you got started on your assignment. Check back in after a year or so, we'll see if you're any brighter. Thanks.
More and more posting . . .

Only makes you look dumber and dumber. At least you're either smart enough or simply too cowardly to not try to engage me on the facts. We both know you'd lose badly on that front, as would anyone from your "school". You know, the school that even your head coach trashed for phony majors and unemployable graduates. Quite the conundrum, huh? Trying to decide whether you're really stupid or really cowardly. I would imagine those around deal with those issues every day.
Originally posted by Sonnysteele:
Only makes you look dumber and dumber. At least you're either smart enough or simply too cowardly to not try to engage me on the facts. We both know you'd lose badly on that front, as would anyone from your "school". You know, the school that even your head coach trashed for phony majors and unemployable graduates. Quite the conundrum, huh? Trying to decide whether you're really stupid or really cowardly. I would imagine those around deal with those issues every day.
I'm waiting for you to bring some facts first. Even if you decide to I probably won't engage because I'm so intimidated by you.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Please stop. You're not helping yourself. We get that you're not

very sharp, you're only making it worse.
I'm sorry you're not so smart, but it's not my fault. Being mad at me is not productive.
Please get smarter or stop posting. Thanks.
The facts have already been presented. As for your fears, I'm certain they're plentiful and, quite likely, include the use of a dictionary. As your teachers about that tomorrow.
You can't grasp the simple fact that a HS recruit is not the same as a

5th year transfer student. So you got crushed on the one "fact" that you think you have in your favor.
It must suck to be as stupid as you are. Please stop, my little 'tard friend. It's getting kind of sad for you.
In the digital world, correct spelling is done for you. To nonetheless misspell words is a bit like flunking an open book test (I'm sure you know all about that), it's a measure of profound stupidity. Go Blue!
It's funny when stupid people try to criticize others. We do enjoy

irony on this board, so thanks for providing some entertainment.
But please try to get smarter. It seems hopeless, but I think you can do it. You're starting from almost zero, so a lot of room to improve.
That's your tortured justification for giving Mrs. Bush a job?

That her son will be attending graduate school rather than entering UM as a freshman? Seriously? Your ethics, not to mention your level of intelligence, are much lower than I originally feared. Please locate your pointy hat, place it on your head, and await further instructions. And when you get that feeling, let someone know, please. People are tiring of washing your pants.
Congratulations. That's easily your most intelligent contribution today (and you spelled the words correctly, too). See, there's always hope, even for you.
No my fight, but do you honestly believe that UM's motivation....

for giving Lyons' mom a job is to entice an average player to come to UM for 1 year? If so, why wouldn't UM offer a job to the parent of a 5- star recruit who'd be there 4 years? UM isn't maximizing their cheating here.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
You keep topping yourself. You're going on and on about this "recruit"

issue, and you're not even bright enough to know what the term means. If JH didn't break any NCAA rules in hiring her, then I'm not sure why your vag is so bruised over it.
Please get smarter or stop posting here. I do retract my earlier statement-you clearly don't seem to be capable of getting any smarter, so that leaves the other option. Thanks.
It's not even fun beating you down any more, you're just not smart enough.
I'm sure it's hysterical for you.

Since you're one of those stupid people of whom you speak, your side must hurt from your uncontrolled giggling. Of course, you can't discuss the facts, which is why you've engaged in this seemingly endless deflection (which I've continued for your amusement,mince you're obviously not very bright). But at least you spelled most of the words right this time, so that's a start. Good boy! Are you one of those stupid UM graduates Harbaugh mentioned a few years ago? No wonder he has to give jobs to parents. Where's Ed Martin when you need him?
So Harbaugh hasn't "recruited" him?

You really don't know about this stuff, do you? And no one said he broke NCAA rules. He just lowered the ethics of a school that knows all about that sort of thing. And if you're so dumb as to think her job wasn't an effort to induce him to come to Michigan, you're much dumber than I thought (and I think you're really, really stupid). Try to keep up, sport.
Keep up the irony, 'tard. You're still entertaining, but it is starting

to get old. We get that you're not smart, you've made that clear.
I am convinced that you're really stupid, and I think you are, too, but it must be hurtful to own up to that. You'll do it someday, if you put in the effort.
Please get smarter or stop posting. Thanks.
UM is doing a very poor job of being unethical....

We need to start offering jobs to parents of good players. If we're going to do it, let's do it right.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
You still can't discuss the facts, can you?

Lots of insults and loads of deflection, but you run like the wind from the facts. You've admitted as much, which makes you even more cowardly. Are you crying?
The irony?

You mean the irony of an alum ripping his school for ethical shortcomings who returns to said school and immediately lowers the ethical bar? That irony? Even when you want to play big boy and make what you believe is an intelligent argument, you kick yourself right in the balls. A lot. You make this way too easy. Go Blue!
Ok, you're slow, so I'll try to make it clear. It's ironic because you're

not very bright, but you like to criticize the intelligence of others. I'm sure the whole "irony" thing goes right over your head, as simple facts seem to escape you pretty much routinely.
Again, please get smarter or stop posting here. Thanks.
I think I'm going to have to be done crushing you, it's grown somewhat repetitive.
Where's the clarity you promised?

I was ready to actually see you provide even a modicum of support for whatever your position is but, as usual, you offered nothing. No facts, no examples of irony (and nothing that suggests you even know what irony is), just more endless babble without any substance. If you don't have anything and you're just talking trash, have the good sense to back down and acknowledge that you're incapble of offering anything of value. As it is, you're embarrassingly stupid and an example of why UM's academic shortcomings are consistent with Harbaugh's assessment of the school.
Re: No my fight, but do you honestly believe that UM's motivation....

If her son wasn't strongly considering UM, do you think she'd have been hired (or even considered for the job)? Would she have even known an opening existed?
Please tell me you're only acting this stupid to make some point that is

not clear to anyone. I explained how your posts are ironic and that we do enjoy irony on this board, but you can't seem to even grasp that. You're only making yourself look more stupid-it almost doesn't seem possible. Please get smarter or stop posting. Thanks.