Even the President of OU doesn't understand the concept

Re: You've hit your Top-Psycho gear early this year, Ed

Originally posted by SkunkBear:
I'll let you know, should I ever decide to beat my wife.

OTOH, whatever you did to repulse Diane (we can guess, can't we, DUI trannygirl?), she not only bailed on your marriage, but dumped your last name IMMEDIATELY. Your son, Eliot, now wants nothing to do with you. Nor does FOS or BWI, as both boards demonstrated when they got rid of "pnnylion."

There are those mentally ill people who seem unable to quit when they're behind.

And then there's you.

You were arrested on 5/16/2009 for wife beating, and drunkeness. Spent 4 days in jail.
Originally posted by SkunkBear:
I'll let you know, should I ever decide to beat my wife.

OTOH, whatever you did to repulse Diane (we can guess, can't we, DUI trannygirl?), she not only bailed on your marriage, but dumped your last name IMMEDIATELY. Your son, Eliot, now wants nothing to do with you. Nor does FOS or BWI, as both boards demonstrated when they got rid of "pnnylion."

There are those mentally ill people who seem unable to quit when they're behind.

And then there's you.

Wait wait wait. This beezzz character is the former poster pnnylion? It's all starting to make more sense
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by tkirschner:
Originally posted by SkunkBear:
I'll let you know, should I ever decide to beat my wife.

OTOH, whatever you did to repulse Diane (we can guess, can't we, DUI trannygirl?), she not only bailed on your marriage, but dumped your last name IMMEDIATELY. Your son, Eliot, now wants nothing to do with you. Nor does FOS or BWI, as both boards demonstrated when they got rid of "pnnylion."

There are those mentally ill people who seem unable to quit when they're behind.

And then there's you.

Wait wait wait. This beezzz character is the former poster pnnylion? It's all starting to make more sense
Posted from Rivals Mobile
He goes back waayyyyy before pnnylion. His moniker was beefer23 or something for a long time.
He beat his wife and was arrested at 10:08pm. He spent almost a week in jail because the Judge found him to be a danger to the community.

According the the report, the beating "was savage".
Re: You've hit your Top-Psycho gear early this year, Ed

Arrested? Yep. Several times (the first time many moons ago in Detroit for skiing in the street). Spent even one day in jail? Nope. Not ever.

Proof is easy to come by these internet days, Psycho. All you have to do is link it, but you can't. Your early days as an internet "Cowboy Liar" now work against you, because all that stuff you claim happened in people's lives over the years provably didn't. If it did, you could simply link it.

Your DUI on 10/26/2012, OTOH, is easily linkable. As is your divorce from Diane Evanchak, as is the fact you now live in a rented bungalow down the hill from Diane, as was the fact you were posting on deviant sexual websites as "loudact." The fact you've been pretty much banished from FOS and BWI for good as "pnnylion" are provable, simply on the basis that your daily reams of toxic hate there have suddenly, mercifully, gone missing.

A few days ago, you said you were "on your way." You said I should "pray."

Hahaha. I am.

Praying for the moment you're stupid enough to show up here.
Beefer was 3 years ago. This guy's career began 16 years ago.

He's the reason why every site has the 30-second rule, and why they installed advanced banning software a dozen years ago.

As sickos go, this guy is a legend. He set the low bar under which all future sickos must crawl beneath. None are able, and few even try.
Spent a week in jail. You already admitted it.

My wife is upstairs, yours hit the road long ago.
Re: AGP. beefer makes joe gory look like an intelligent poster*

eh...having had to read your stuff for years, the board probably thinks I'm a modern day Einstein by comparison.
This post was edited on 3/21 3:39 PM by Joe Gory
Re: Another great post, "chief". You are consistent*

Yup - I've been consistently dancing circles around you as - in the words of Naples - you post with the grace and wit of a 80 year old using a walker.

But hey, keep copying my posts and you'll improve, chief.
Re: Don't flatter yourself. Anyone can own a thesaurus.*

I'd be shocked if he knows what a thesaurus is, let alone owned one.

This post was edited on 3/22 10:10 AM by Joe Gory

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