Man would I be pissed if one of ours did like McCaffrey

Right it's not selfish for fans to want those kids to play. 100% altruism on your part I'm sure. Guys, they have a right to look out for their own self interest and given these parameters (meaningless bowl game, players with past injuries, NFL 1st round talent, etc) I support them 100% in their decision to sit. None of these fans are gonna pony up the $$$ those kids could miss if they have a career changing/ending injury.

We have a "Special Snowflake" in the house folks!!!! If you feel this way them start a petition immediately and make a phone call to Jim Harbaugh demanding him to sit 13 of our starters in the Orange Bowl next Friday because you feel the fans need to pony up the money to pay their possible NFL money because they may get hurt. You are entitled to your opinion though even if it sucks and believe me it sucks bud.
Right it's not selfish for fans to want those kids to play. 100% altruism on your part I'm sure. Guys, they have a right to look out for their own self interest and given these parameters (meaningless bowl game, players with past injuries, NFL 1st round talent, etc) I support them 100% in their decision to sit. None of these fans are gonna pony up the $$$ those kids could miss if they have a career changing/ending injury.
You're right they have every right to look out for themselves, but I'm not interested in such asses being on my football team. I'd make it clear that you walk out on your team, you've walked out on everything connected with the school. Like a petulant child, it will never end (I'm sitting out games versus Rutgers or Hawaii instead of risking injury; I want to sit if we're up by a few TDs; don't ask me to play special teams, are you kidding, that could get me hurt, etc.) Fine if you cannot see that happening, but I think you're myopic if you don't.

As far as the NFL goes, you better believe that teams look at those kind of attitudes, they'd be idiots to not do so.
We have a "Special Snowflake" in the house folks!!!! If you feel this way them start a petition immediately and make a phone call to Jim Harbaugh demanding him to sit 13 of our starters in the Orange Bowl next Friday because you feel the fans need to pony up the money to pay their possible NFL money because they may get hurt. You are entitled to your opinion though even if it sucks and believe me it sucks bud.
Right it's not selfish for fans to want those kids to play. 100% altruism on your part I'm sure. Guys, they have a right to look out for their own self interest and given these parameters (meaningless bowl game, players with past injuries, NFL 1st round talent, etc) I support them 100% in their decision to sit. None of these fans are gonna pony up the $$$ those kids could miss if they have a career changing/ending injury.
noone is saying that fans cant, wont, nor arent being selfish. thats not the point and doesnt mean they are wrong.

the players SIGN commitments to the team. quitting before the season is over breaks that commitment. the players are wrong and in my opinion should have to pay that semesters tuition as a penalty and be denied access to training facilities.
noone is saying that fans cant, wont, nor arent being selfish. thats not the point and doesnt mean they are wrong.

the players SIGN commitments to the team. quitting before the season is over breaks that commitment. the players are wrong and in my opinion should have to pay that semesters tuition as a penalty and be denied access to training facilities.

And in my opinion that's absurd and short sighted. Kids make a voluntary commitment. They can leave the team at any time for any reason. Both Les Miles and David Shaw have both spoken publicly in support of the kids they coached. In fact Orgeron and Fournette came to the decision jointly.

Either way, no need to continue to back and forth.. I've said my piece on it.
WE are going down the wrong cultural path in America. This is a good example of what I am talking about.

Coaches who are afraid of upsetting the high profiled athlete because they need to recruit these guys now compromise their integrity for the sake of money and success.

It's more rationalization by some at the expense of integrity and a team philosophy. It's a different time in America. I know this is very hard for some younger people to understand but America isn't growing or evolving in every aspect of American culture.

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And in my opinion that's absurd and short sighted. Kids make a voluntary commitment. They can leave the team at any time for any reason. Both Les Miles and David Shaw have both spoken publicly in support of the kids they coached. In fact Orgeron and Fournette came to the decision jointly.

Either way, no need to continue to back and forth.. I've said my piece on it.

are you retarded? commitments are always voluntary noone forces me to sign a commitment to repay a loan but that doesnt mean ican just quit paying

a signed letter of intent is basically a contract you cant leave michigan and try to play at any other ncaa school without michigan releasing you to do so
are you retarded? commitments are always voluntary noone forces me to sign a commitment to repay a loan but that doesnt mean ican just quit paying

a signed letter of intent is basically a contract you cant leave michigan and try to play at any other ncaa school without michigan releasing you to do so

Be careful. The gentle "Snowflake," will get his feelings hurt
I dont mind the kids skipping.
.....I dont remember UM fans taking up a collection for Tony Boles.
I dont mind the kids skipping.
.....I dont remember UM fans taking up a collection for Tony Boles.
Tony Boles blew his opportunities in life, not because of injuries but because he screwed up big time. The UM alumni connections for their players is second to none, Tony went off the rails on his own accord. He was a great kid (I played against him in HS-outstanding RB- and saw him around campus when he arrived at UM a couple years behind me). He would have been fine if the street thug life hadn't drawn him away from sane living
are you retarded? commitments are always voluntary noone forces me to sign a commitment to repay a loan but that doesnt mean ican just quit paying

a signed letter of intent is basically a contract you cant leave michigan and try to play at any other ncaa school without michigan releasing you to do so

Are we talking about transferring? No? Awesome.. Thanks...

Be careful. The gentle "Snowflake," will get his feelings hurt
