Joe Milton
36 plays - 118 yards = 3.3 yds/play
5 possessions = 0 scores = 0 points
29 yds/possession
2 Punts - 1 turnover
Cade McNamarra
87 plays - 408 yds = 4.7 yds/play
10 possessions = 6 TD's = 42 points
41 yds/possession
(KO return TD not included here)
1 Punt - 0 Turnovers
I totaled up the plays and net yards for each drive
These yards don't exactly add to the total yards for the game. Not sure why
All special teams plays, Returns and penalties are excluded from these stats
36 plays - 118 yards = 3.3 yds/play
5 possessions = 0 scores = 0 points
29 yds/possession
2 Punts - 1 turnover
Cade McNamarra
87 plays - 408 yds = 4.7 yds/play
10 possessions = 6 TD's = 42 points
41 yds/possession
(KO return TD not included here)
1 Punt - 0 Turnovers
I totaled up the plays and net yards for each drive
These yards don't exactly add to the total yards for the game. Not sure why
All special teams plays, Returns and penalties are excluded from these stats