This is pathetic. Just stop. I don't care where this guy played

Reality Man

Feb 9, 2002
college ball or where he is playing ball in the NBA. Here is what probably happened. Mr. Green got into a bad habit somewhere down the line and it may be reflexive on some level. It is wrong and he needs to be deprogrammed. These 'kicks' need to have an automatic flagrant attached to get him to stop or he can go to D League and work on the 'fix'.

I think he did it possibly on a subconscious level to get defenders away from him. Never really have encountered this sort of behavior but as some would say about Trump..don't normalize this new behavior. It is wrong to condone this stuff. If he can't stop it then he needs to retire.

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Green cost the Warriors a championship last year. If Green played in game 5, they win the series in Oakland. He needs to grow up.