Yes we lost to MSU and yes the offense has looked - BAD
However Michigan fans face a choice - believe that the glass is 1/2 full - that this is a young team with a great staff and will compete in every game and get better or NOT (this is Hoke 2.0, etc...)
What I can say is this -- Coach knows how to coach football - and yes perhaps the offensive coaching staff is too top heavy (as I think it is)..but no one can tell coach he is wrong in his approach...part because he thinks he knows more about football then just about anyone and part because while may not always look pretty - he wins
With that said.....I still like this team...they are young, getting better (O line much better this week then prior weeks against a good Indiana front), we have a great D and when all of it clicks (play calling, execution, etc...) - this team will be impressive
That is what I think the HC sees here - a work in progress and one that is getting better
And to those that think that MSU game doesn't mean anything to the coach or he doesn't take it seriously enough
This is a guy that wont lose a game of "hide and seek" with this kids.....He burns people out because he works so hard trying to win....He takes every game like a personal struggle
With that said -- I think this team will take a BIG leap forward this weekend and beat PSU...When it all clicks on Offense to go with this Defense.....with this staff and talent....It will be a great sight to behold
However Michigan fans face a choice - believe that the glass is 1/2 full - that this is a young team with a great staff and will compete in every game and get better or NOT (this is Hoke 2.0, etc...)
What I can say is this -- Coach knows how to coach football - and yes perhaps the offensive coaching staff is too top heavy (as I think it is)..but no one can tell coach he is wrong in his approach...part because he thinks he knows more about football then just about anyone and part because while may not always look pretty - he wins
With that said.....I still like this team...they are young, getting better (O line much better this week then prior weeks against a good Indiana front), we have a great D and when all of it clicks (play calling, execution, etc...) - this team will be impressive
That is what I think the HC sees here - a work in progress and one that is getting better
And to those that think that MSU game doesn't mean anything to the coach or he doesn't take it seriously enough
This is a guy that wont lose a game of "hide and seek" with this kids.....He burns people out because he works so hard trying to win....He takes every game like a personal struggle
With that said -- I think this team will take a BIG leap forward this weekend and beat PSU...When it all clicks on Offense to go with this Defense.....with this staff and talent....It will be a great sight to behold