Question for Bamatide or SEC oversigning experts...

Reality Man

Feb 9, 2002
so particular program (use Alabama) oversigns and then 'cuts' guys or they 'retire' due to medical reasons.

How does this actually work in practice. Do the coaches tell the kids we need you to leave or it's going to be a living hell? Do they tell them we are going to have you sweeping the floors while the team is practicing? Run gassers every day?

I just don't understand how you push people out of the program. Next the coaches know exactly how many guys they can squeeze out. So lets say Alabama has 20 schollies to give for 2016 but they have identified 7 guys who aren't cutting the mustard and know 27 schollies are available. Tell the kids they aren't going to play and they can play elsewhere and will find them opportunities?

Is this really a big problem? Seems like both parties are in a win win situation.

Reality Man
Delany has brought to light those questionable practices. They are illegal yet regarded as a grey area which the SEC exploits. When Delany makes his case then those who question them will get it.
Wifes uncle is a major Auburn booster. Yes those tactics employed by the SEC are illegal.