Peppers and speaking of free speech....I hear you my man..

Reality Man

Feb 9, 2002
I agree with you 100%. I don't have a problem with a strong woman but die hard feminists tend to be man a former associate once said.

I have always said..even to my wife...I personally would never ever date a woman who was a lawyer. I understand it's a broad generalization but I still fee that way. Stay way from hard core feminists and female advice to all younger men.

How do you like that politically incorrect free speech? Don't call the speech police. :)

Reality Man
Same exact thing happened to me....

in college. these people that complain about trivial things like opening a door really have an axe to grind. It is not just Jabrill, they will go after anyone just to argue. Many are just miserable people. I still routinely open doors for men and women at work. Also, women will open doors for me. It's not sexist, just curtesy.
At least he has a good attitude about it.
I read that link you posted to my wife, (who is definitely not a feminist) and she commented on how ridiculous that was. Since when did holding a door for a woman become feminist? This is pretty laughable.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Jabrill, you'd do well to read Christina Hoff Sommers's book, "Who Stole Feminism," written about 15 years ago. Christina, herself a feminist, makes the strong distinction between what she calls "equity feminists" and "gender feminists." Equity feminists don't see men as bad, they just want the same opportunities and compensation as men receive. Sommers's thesis is that the gap had narrowed significantly in terms of opportunity (in education and the workplace) and pay (for actual hours worked), and once the (then) feminist movement had accomplished much of what "it" had set out to accomplish, the mission changed to attacking men just for being male. In other words, the prominent feminists couldn't let go of the limelight, so they shifted the focus from lack of opportunity to an ostensible and inherent evil within men.

Jabrill, I wish you'd stayed at RU, but regardless of where you are, keep being kind to all people, even if they attack you verbally. Most older feminists wouldn't object to you holding a door for them or carrying their bag up a few flights of stairs, as age is typically a great educator, but the young ones with a cause, whatever that cause is, can be extreme. Hyperbole tends to manifest in youth, including hyperbolic emotions. My advice is, keep holding doors for women (and men)--it's the gentlemanly thing to do, and the obnoxious ones just might be convicted by their own obnoxious ways.
Feminists want to speak loud to get attention. JP , you keep doing

what you were brought up to do. There are many , many women who appreciate it that someone else cares and is considerate. Feminists have a chip on their broad shoulders and want attention. I TOO open doors for ladies and say " Ma'am" . "74