Official Thread....

Well thats that.
Maybe we'll go home and get our shit together after this embarrassment.

I will say this, I dunno about the Washington game, but both Clemson and UM losses did have help from the refs bad calls.
Iowa deserved to win. We were listless. Our O-line was completely manhandled. We had 4 straight 3 and outs. Our WRs did not help Speight at all - Chesson and Darboh were no-shows and Speight was under pressure all day long. Peppers needs to not let punts bounce behind him at a 2 yard line - that was all him, he could have caught it at the 12 yard line!

The back-breaker ended up being the Hill fumble. It killed all momentum for us. Congrats to Iowa, though we still control our destiny.
The State of Iowa has already moved onto my "shit list" today ---- I just checked my mail and some speed camera caught me speeding in Cedar Rapids, Iowa in August and I now have the first speeding ticket of my life.

If Iowa pulls this out --- time to drop a few bombs on the state.
And Iowa voted for Trump. Let those bombs fly, but don't hit Iowa City!