A lot going on. Rutgers does a double corner blitz and two LBs are drawn in on the play fake, so Rutgers has 8 guys at the LOS by the end of the play.
Stueber and Eubanks (!) do a good job of stoning their guys on the right side - one of whom was a blitzer. I think that is Zinger at RG - he stones his guy too. Carpenter also does a great job - basically not moved off the LOS. On the left side Filiaga gets plowed back five yards, though he never lets his guy around him. Barnhart appears (to me, a guy who doesn't know much about OL play) to dona great job blocking one guy then switching off to block a late coming LB (I don't think he was blitzing). Charbonnet does a great job of redirecting the blitzing corner.
Cade does a great job staying in a pocket, stepping into a great deep pass that was right on the money.
Michigan picking up the blitzers means it's 3 v 3 in the secondary and Johnson's great route completely torches the safety.
Just an all around great play. Only one who wasn't perfect was Filiaga and he was good enough. That's how you make a blitzing team pay.