Is the recently-announced NCAA COI hearing to rule on the Notice of Allegations against Michigan, or something else? Michigan has requested to be told who the ‘informant’ or accusers were which lead to the NCAA’s Notice of Allegations, as well as the evidence provided. The NCAA has refused to divulge that information, an apparent violation of the Sixth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
Is the release of the names of the accusers and the evidence they provided the question to be addressed by the COI, or something broader?
Then, if the COI continues to refuse to reveal the source of the accusations against Michigan, will that lead to a long, time-consuming federal lawsuit, which could possibly put the continuation of the process addressing the NCAA Notice of Allegations on full hold?
Is the release of the names of the accusers and the evidence they provided the question to be addressed by the COI, or something broader?
Then, if the COI continues to refuse to reveal the source of the accusations against Michigan, will that lead to a long, time-consuming federal lawsuit, which could possibly put the continuation of the process addressing the NCAA Notice of Allegations on full hold?