Thankfully we do have the transcript fm. the Mattison/Neal-Hoskins exchange


Dec 20, 2001
West Detroit
Grabbing another sandwich from the table, Greg adds, "You know your son is a terrific athlete you must be proud that his athletic skills will allow him to go to a top flight, Ivy League-like school like UM. What a moment for a dad, huh?!!"

Mr. Hoskin's smile slowly fades from his face, "What do you mean "allow" Mr. Mattison, don't you think he merits acceptance at UM based on his academic ability?"

"Heh, heh," Greg nervously laughs while quickly pocketing the rest of his sandwich, "I'm sure UM would have given him serious consideration with his 21 ACT and 3.1 GPA, but you know an athletic scholarship, well, that makes his acceptance academic wouldn't you say?"

"Mr. Mattison, if I'm reading you right, the very scores that easily get him into prestigious institutions like Michigan State University, THE Ohio State University, and the University of Nebraska, are not good enough for your stuck up, houty-touty, Ivy League wannabe school? Is that what you're telling me?"

"Well Mr. Hoskins, Michigan shares a lot of things with the Spartans, but academic entrance standards is not exactly one of them." Greg eyes nervously flit between the path to the door and the men's room where he needs to off-load those three, unfortunate coffees, "I'm sure you understand."
Saw a comment from Cook that Neal's pops is a crazy helicopter dad

I guess that probably fits. It's definitely odd that this guy would go on the radio to complain about a school that was trying to recruit his son. Very unusual indeed. Sorry for trying to recruit your son, jackass!
Is English your second language? I'm sincerely asking because you write like a Nigerian Prince emailing the masses requesting help with monetary issues.
Dude u are a complete an utter tool. Even when M is garbage they still steal the headlines from MSU.
Maybe you should try and stir up the Sparty board, it could use some excitement.
Good one. You actually suck at thinking and reasoning. But it's

funny that you think typing is your problem.
Originally posted by SpartansNation:
See ^^^^ this is what humility looks like. You guys should try it..
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Lol its so funny how you project all your hate into your posts. You say we put our own spin on things, but refuse to believe when others tell you that that is what it seems like you do on a constant basis on here. You tell everyone on here to be humble, but you refuse to take your own medicine, and actually be genuinely humble. I'm guessing you're never wrong about anything right? Sheesh, I bet your mother is glad everyday she gets you out of the house to school.