Strong third period produces Wolverine sweep (game recap)

Bob Miller

Jun 25, 2001
Michigan didn't play a perfect game Saturday night in their series finale against American International (AIC).

Yet, they may just have put together their best period of the season when they needed it most in the third period of their 6-3 win over AIC.

In that final period, the Wolverines controlled the puck in their own zone. They played solid team defense, scored on their opportunities and, as important as anything, Zach Nagelvoort turned aside the very few chances the Yellow Jackets could muster.

"I thought our team came together," said Michigan head coach Red Berenson of the Wolverines' third period effort. "Now the game's on the line, it's a 4-3 game, and we know we have our backs to the wall. We have got to win the period, at least have a solid period. I thought we did that, we got back to a mindset where we have to play with a little desperation and a little confidence. And that fine line between not too much confidence and not too much desperation. But, we got pucks in deep and controlled the play. We got more shots on the net and we were ready to back check."

Junior captain Andrew Copp pointed out the mindset that made the improved play possible.

"Our second periods haven't been so good this year obviously, but I think we re-grouped in the second intermission," said Copp. "We said everyone is all in, we're going to do whatever it takes to get this last 20 minutes to go our way. I think you saw our best period of the weekend in terms of getting pucks out, defensively we didn't give them a lot of chances. We also buried our chances when we could, and getting a power play goal was also important. That's been a struggle for us this year. All good things in the third period which is what we're looking for."

Fittingly, experienced upper classmen supplied the bulk of the offense for the team which desperately needed a weekend sweep to change the momentum of a frustrating 2-5-0 start. Senior Travis Lynch scored a pair of goals for the Wolverines including a crucial tally midway through the third period that afforded Michigan a little breathing room. Senior Zach Hyman and junior Copp had a goal apiece. Junior Boo Nieves netted his first goal of the year and Alex Kile completed the list of scorers.

Michigan out shot AIC significantly for the second straight night, 46-24 in the Saturday night meeting, but AIC capitalized on the few chances they had to keep the final outcome in doubt till late in the third period.

"I think our responses to their shifts in momentum were very good," said Copp, suggesting that trait bodes well for the future. "Every time they scored we scored within two or three minutes. Even tonight when our back was against the wall, we responded the right way and played the right way. I think that was something we want to take out of here. The offensive confidence, every line I think had two goals this weekend so that was good for us. Our defense played well, and was getting active offensively as well."

Penn State provides the next test in a two-game series next weekend opening Big Ten Conference play at Yost Arena. The Nittany Lions, often viewed as the weak members of the Big Ten, have performed admirably this season and will be no pushovers.