So here's my very important question for the day....


Michigan Man
Gold Member
Sep 13, 2001
I'm driving in to work and I go past one of those photo enforcement fans. I see the flash of a camera, and I look down and I'm going 38 in a 30mph zone. BUT right at that moment there is another car passing me in the left lane...hence, going even faster. Also, I have temporary tags on my car, so don't have plates on the front and back. Just the rear window. So do I get a ticket or not?
if the camera only got the front, no ticket. When my Ohio home town decided to go that douchy route with a speed camera, some tried the plastic plate cover, others tried a new invention that was like a funhouse mirror if the plate was viewed from anywhere but straight-on. The law changed to make those illegal with the cops saying they couldn't read plates with those on them. Someone then invented a highly florescent clear spray that would go super white when hit by a flash, that's the route I took and never got a ticket. some of the funnier stuff that happened before the Ohio Supreme Court overturned their use was that kids would walk up behind the camera and kick the legs out or they'd pull a reach-around and spray paint the lens
I've always wanted to eff with one but...

there is always a guy inside. I'm sure there is a pretty stiff punishment for screwing with that equipment.
As an aside, you might want to download the free Waze GPS onto your phone. It's a solid gps system and notifies you about any speed or red light cameras half a mile before you hit them and sometimes actual cop speed traps. Here in the Rahmpire, it's an absolute necessity and has saved me more than a few tickets.

This post was edited on 1/23 12:11 PM by ORD_Buckeye
Looking at it the wrong way. You get a ticket it's your chance to fund

local government and do some good for those who come from less privileged backgrounds. :)

Reality Man
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Re: I've always wanted to eff with one but...

your cameras must not be changing locations daily like mine were. It was a box on a tripod that they'd move around the city to different locations to surprise people.
nice app and i also like their warnings for cars ahead on the shoulder, etc.
Re: I've always wanted to eff with one but...

Originally posted by blueinohio:
your cameras must not be changing locations daily like mine were. It was a box on a tripod that they'd move around the city to different locations to surprise people.
What we have are vans that they drive around and park on the side of the road...and have the cameras mounted on them. And there is somebody inside the vans, so you can't deface them.
if they dont have a picture of you as well as the car...

i believe you can beat the ticket. Ive heard of, and known people that fought the ticket based on the fact that they couldnt prove it was them driving the car before.
Re: Looking at it the wrong way. You get a ticket it's your chance to fund

Originally posted by Reality Man:
local government and do some good for those who come from less privileged backgrounds. :)

Reality Man
Exactly. That's how I like to look at these types of situations. Hell, I speed on purpose sometimes just so I can get a ticket. And I love paying my taxes too! Especially that Alabama state tax!
Re: I've always wanted to eff with one but...

do they usually park in the same spots?
Has anybody ever hit one of them?

I can imagine the uproar if some family got killed because they hit a speed van on the side of the road.
I'm sure they have their favorites but they move around*

Originally posted by blueinohio:
do they usually park in the same spots?
Re: Has anybody ever hit one of them?

Originally posted by michigangoblue999:
I can imagine the uproar if some family got killed because they hit a speed van on the side of the road.
That's a great question. What always gets me is that the flash is really bright. It usually scares the chit out of me. I feel it's actually a hazard that makes the road more dangerous, but I don't think I'd get very far arguing that.
First, you shouldn't get a ticket.

Second, a lot of those are apparently becoming unconstitutional because you don't have the ability to face your accuser. Some areas have apparently outlawed them. This is all from some pretty stupid people so maybe they were lying.

Third, I don't have a front license plate and flew past one with my middle finger up (they have an SUV they park on the side of the road here). So all they saw was a silver SUV and some dbag with his middle finger up, no license plate #.

Fourth, what kind of car did you get? If you got a BMW, tjsblue and I are sending you a care package that includes a kick to the nads.
Originally posted by goblue31602:
First, you shouldn't get a ticket.

Second, a lot of those are apparently becoming unconstitutional because you don't have the ability to face your accuser. Some areas have apparently outlawed them. This is all from some pretty stupid people so maybe they were lying.

Third, I don't have a front license plate and flew past one with my middle finger up (they have an SUV they park on the side of the road here). So all they saw was a silver SUV and some dbag with his middle finger up, no license plate #.

Fourth, what kind of car did you get? If you got a BMW, tjsblue and I are sending you a care package that includes a kick to the nads.
I got a Buick Regal GS. I've never had a Buick before, but I love it. I was going to get an Infinity Q50 but the firm paid for it and after my partner's helpful wife suggested that maybe I should buy American, I was kinda limited.
Originally posted by goblue31602:
pics are needed of your partner's wife, clearly...

And helpful how? Helpful like PopsFever was helpful, or just good advice?
I was being sarcastic. If she would have kept her big trap shut, I would have probably gotten the Infinity. But she chimed in that I have a lot of rural clients that would probably take notice (in a negative way) of a foreign luxury car. I could have still gotten whatever I wanted but the smart move politically was to agree with her sage advice and find something American. I really do like the Buick after all though, so it all worked out fine.

She's like 70. You would not want pics of her.
Ahhh, it all makes sense now. Yeah, card advice from a woman, that was the first mistake.

I will say though, they put a Buck dealership near my house and I drive right past it on my way to work every morning, and they are definitely sharp cars. That being said, I hate GM and you'll probably have electrical issues by 50k miles. I'll stick to my Acura
Re: I'm sure they have their favorites but they move around*
Originally posted by TDFever:
Originally posted by goblue31602:
pics are needed of your partner's wife, clearly...

And helpful how? Helpful like PopsFever was helpful, or just good advice?
I was being sarcastic. If she would have kept her big trap shut, I would have probably gotten the Infinity. But she chimed in that I have a lot of rural clients that would probably take notice (in a negative way) of a foreign luxury car. I could have still gotten whatever I wanted but the smart move politically was to agree with her sage advice and find something American. I really do like the Buick after all though, so it all worked out fine.

She's like 70. You would not want pics of her.
Did she specifically suggest a Buick? Or just any American made car? Because if she did suggest Buick, that makes total sense, since you mentioned she is 70.
I'm not a big fan of GA products. I'm trying to talk my wife in a Ford Fusion or Escape for her next vehicle, once we get ready to trade in her Honda Civic. I hate that car so much.
I'll keep my Jeep Wrangler though.
Did she specifically suggest a Buick? Or just any American made car? Because if she did suggest Buick, that makes total sense, since you mentioned she is 70.
I'm not a big fan of GA products. I'm trying to talk my wife in a Ford Fusion or Escape for her next vehicle, once we get ready to trade in her Honda Civic. I hate that car so much.
I'll keep my Jeep Wrangler though.
She suggested American made. I looked around and picked the Buick. I'm not trying to be one of the new Buick commercials, but I was really pleasantly surprised. It wasn't what I expected at all. Much nicer, sportier. The GS is basically a 4-door sportscar.
Originally posted by TDFever:
Did she specifically suggest a Buick? Or just any American made car? Because if she did suggest Buick, that makes total sense, since you mentioned she is 70.
I'm not a big fan of GA products. I'm trying to talk my wife in a Ford Fusion or Escape for her next vehicle, once we get ready to trade in her Honda Civic. I hate that car so much.
I'll keep my Jeep Wrangler though.
She suggested American made. I looked around and picked the Buick. I'm not trying to be one of the new Buick commercials, but I was really pleasantly surprised. It wasn't what I expected at all. Much nicer, sportier. The GS is basically a 4-door sportscar.
My wife and I sat in a new Dodge Dart about a year ago, just checking it out, and I was pleasantly surprised. We didn't drive it but it just felt good sitting in it. Even the back seat was awesome.
I whipped the cameras and made an attorney lots of money

I got a $600 for making a right turn on a red light without making a complete stop (they say) while in my Santa suit (all true). The judge dismissed the ticket when I 1) asked to question the citing officer (as allowed by California law); 2) the coordinates and latest calibration reports of the camera (the company claimed that info was propriety).

Every California court, when the person fights, dismissed the ticket on those two grounds. Not sure around the rest of the U.S. but I paid $75 for doing 140 kilometers in France.
Not sure about the laws in your state, but Tennessee effectively did away with those cameras. Ultimately, you have a right to defend yourself. What if the camera was calibrated incorrectly or was simply malfunctioning. There is no way for you to remember what happened weeks prior to receiving some lame ticket in the mail. If you challenge it in city or county court, they will assuredly drop it because they don't have a leg to stand on.

My take is that if municipalities are going to create their budgets around speeding tickets, then police will have to get their butts out of the car to talk with me about it.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by amayznblue:
Not sure about the laws in your state, but Tennessee effectively did away with those cameras. Ultimately, you have a right to defend yourself. What if the camera was calibrated incorrectly or was simply malfunctioning. There is no way for you to remember what happened weeks prior to receiving some lame ticket in the mail. If you challenge it in city or county court, they will assuredly drop it because they don't have a leg to stand on.

My take is that if municipalities are going to create their budgets around speeding tickets, then police will have to get their butts out of the car to talk with me about it.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Not in Chicago. Emperor Rahmulus actually lessened the time of a yellow light to catch more people, and he refuses to refund the money after being caught. People have also been nailed when school is not in session (cameras are allegedly there to increase safety around schools and are supposed to be off when not in session), and he's refused to refund that money also.

We don't have speed cameras yet, but I'm sure he'll introduce them right after the election.
I have rented Escapes a number of times and they drive great. Based solely on that, I'd buy one. However, they are recall machines -- doesn't look like Ford has tightened up their quality metrics very well.

I have not rented a Dart but have rented 200's many times. The rear brakes on every one of them have made a clunking noise when engaging them while backing. I think both Chrysler and Fiat have earned their bottom of the barrel quality reputations IMO. The 200 seems like a disposable car.

Rented a Buick LaCross. Nice enough car but a little to soft and fuddy-duddyish for my tastes.

The Passat Wolfsburg Edition is a nice car. Not a lot of bells and whistles but a very nice driving car.

I am on the road just about every week and rent a lot of cars. My recommendation is to stay clear of Fiat Chrysler.
Originally posted by TDFever:
Originally posted by goblue31602:
First, you shouldn't get a ticket.

Second, a lot of those are apparently becoming unconstitutional because you don't have the ability to face your accuser. Some areas have apparently outlawed them. This is all from some pretty stupid people so maybe they were lying.

Third, I don't have a front license plate and flew past one with my middle finger up (they have an SUV they park on the side of the road here). So all they saw was a silver SUV and some dbag with his middle finger up, no license plate #.

Fourth, what kind of car did you get? If you got a BMW, tjsblue and I are sending you a care package that includes a kick to the nads.
I got a Buick Regal GS. I've never had a Buick before, but I love it. I was going to get an Infinity Q50 but the firm paid for it and after my partner's helpful wife suggested that maybe I should buy American, I was kinda limited.
I have a infiniti FX - it's pretty crappy all around: noisy cabin, bumpy ride, small "trunk" for a larger-midsize suv, crappy fuel economy, the sun has caused the dashboard leather(ette?) to bubble up. Can't wait for it to die
Well, at least for the suspension, they tried to make those sporty which is why the suspension is tight and the ride is bumpy. The rest I find hard to disagree, my wife has an Infiniti G37x sedan and I really don't like it. The thing is made for midgets, its only redeeming qualities are the powerful engine and the revmatch transmission which makes it nice and smooth when you floor it.

I'll stick with my Acuras.
I rented a Passat last year on a golf trip and agree with your assessment. I thought I may have been borderline retarded when I couldn't get it to start but the agent came out and said that that particular car has an issue with the steering wheel lock which prevents an easy start. Phew!
Volkswagen is not w/o their quality issues, either, I don't think. But the Passat drove nicely. I hear they have a diesel version that gets 45 mpg.

I once had a '79 Scirocco that I used a roach clip to start after it was about six years old!
I recall those Scirocco's being moderately popular cars.

quick question for you, unrelated: rvx with approval here or europe, where do you see the pps on any approval?
HAA! I've been driving a new car for over a year....

with the dealer plates on to avoid this stuff. I actually have placed new registration stickers on top of old ones on my plates....that sit in my trunk because the plates have never been on the car. HAA
Re: Has anybody ever hit one of them?

That's a great question. What always gets me is that the flash is really bright. It usually scares the chit out of me. I feel it's actually a hazard that makes the road more dangerous, but I don't think I'd get very far arguing that.
The ones around here don't move. They're just on this pole structure.
Agree about the bright light-there's one at an intersection I turn left at frequently. I'll be waiting to turn, and sometimes the flash will just randomly go off even though nobody blew the light. Usually startles the eff out of me.
But they're just around for safety-not like they're trying to make money or anything.
This is an old thread, but there have been studies done that indicate cities will shorten the yellow light cycle after installing stop light cams in order to generate more business.

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